Mark V(B) Knee Guard Files


Hey, I'm in the middle of making my armor and I just finished up the shin guards on my spartan but I don't know where to find the knee guards. Could someone please tell me where the files for them are? I've already searched a bit through the armory but haven't found anything.
Hey, I'm in the middle of making my armor and I just finished up the shin guards on my spartan but I don't know where to find the knee guards. Could someone please tell me where the files for them are? I've already searched a bit through the armory but haven't found anything.View attachment 339780
Are u make the knees out of foam? Cause if you are, I have the foam files of all of them.
Hey, I'm in the middle of making my armor and I just finished up the shin guards on my spartan but I don't know where to find the knee guards. Could someone please tell me where the files for them are? I've already searched a bit through the armory but haven't found anything.View attachment 339780
As Spiderboy196 brought up, what file type are you looking for? If you're looking for stl files for 3d printing, they're likely in the free 3d model index
For Pep/Foam:
Default Knees are in the same file as the default shin:



The FJ Para knees are not in the Armory, but some members have done their own unfolds of them:
Post in thread 'Reach knee guards' Reach knee guards

If you are looking for 3D Print STLs, Moe has them in with his Noble Team files in the 3D File Index:
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