Mech/Exoskeleton Build (Full-Size )

I figured out that it would be easier to just put the screen on the door lol

Tried taking it apart to fit in my van. The codpiece got in the way.... one of the few times being endowed isn't a good thing lol
But he's all ready now for a new mod, a swiveling torso!
Simplified the back structure with just a few 2x4s
A back thingy
Some gold skulls to pimp it 40k style
Juddmcstudd watched the show with interest
Twirling his mustache!?
Here's the vid:

Thankfully the only damage was the torso axle mounting hole getting slightly bigger. A washer should fix it.

Getting a second linear actuator today so I can have power steering and power torso rotation.
So I'm working on some hands and here's a better view of the steering bits in action:

Yeah, my garage is very messy.

Gonna be hooking up the snowblower tonight and possibly test fitting those new claws-i mean hands

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