MLG Chicago

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Well-Known Member
Is anyone going? It's in St. Charles, like 9 miles from my house, and If I'm not mistaken, thats also not far from WanderingRonins house as well.

I'm going to go because it's mad fun, you don't have to be good, just watch the pro's play and hang out, play games at booths, and such.
WanderingRon1n said:
my freinds play MLG pro. they make me sad if i play them. i suck at halo 2 right now.

Its fun, play Halo 1 or 2 with friends at booths, meet new people, watch the pros. :D
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starting with a br everytime just doesnt really appeal to me. plus im against any button glitches of any kind.
abandonship said:
starting with a br everytime just doesnt really appeal to me. plus im against any button glitches of any kind.

Button Glitches are only used 11% of the time during a game. I hope you know that.
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but they are still used. either way, its just a preference, and there is no use in trying to persuade me to think otherwise.
abandonship said:
but they are still used. either way, its just a preference, and there is no use in trying to persuade me to think otherwise.

I'm not, but you stated that as if the only thing MLG does is use Button Glitches.
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falcon NL said:
How do you know its 11% ? and its still cheating..

You say it's cheating because you can't do it. Think of it as a fighting game, you need to press lighting fast combos, it takes skill to use.

And I went through all of MLG Dallas, and tallied how many seconds the button glitches were in use during the matches. Then averaged it to be 11% per match from all players.
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It's not exactly cheating, but it is an exploit. It's like Cheesing in ClayFighters, if you ever played it, where you repeatedly use a short delay slash quickly executable combination attack to block your opponent from responding and back them up to a wall.

One of the reasons I don't enjoy BR-based game play. Even if I could reliably reproduce it, I wouldn't use it. The same with double throwing grenades in Halo:CE.

I could go out on a limb and liken the abuse of the exploit to that of the standby abuse from game launch to 1.4, but I won't.
on i have jeremiah (ninjaonfire) quoted saying that button combos are cheating. and i never said that thats all they used. if you cant win without using a glitch to help you out, then thats pathetic. but anyway this has turned into an offtopic sort of thing, so i guess ill let this thread get back on track.
How do YOU know i cant do it...?:roll: :lindsey: No its not a skill every retard on this planet can do it...

And its still cheating read the rules:

Read the yellow text.

and look the rules of xbox life:

We provide the Service for your personal use. You may not use the Service for commercial purposes or in a way that is against the law. You also may not use it in a way that harms us or our affiliates, resellers, distributors, service providers, partners and/or suppliers (collectively, the "Microsoft Parties"), or any customer of a Microsoft Party. Some examples of harmful activity that we do not permit include: (i) trying to gain access to any account, computers, hardware or networks related to this Service without authorization; (ii) disrupting accounts, computers, hardware or networks related to the Service; (iii) obtaining or trying to obtain any data through any means from the Service, except if we intend to provide or make it available to you; (iv) using the Service or related hardware to obtain any data to design, develop or update unauthorized software that you use or provide to others to access or use in connection with the Service; (v) charging others to use the Service either directly or indirectly; (vi) using or distributing unauthorized cheats, macros or scripts; (vii) exploiting any bug, or making unauthorized modifications to any software or data, in the Service or particular game to gain unfair advantage in a game.
alright, this thread is derailed, he asked if anyone was going to that mlg thing. he didnt ask for why button glitches are cheating. lets get back on topic.

no, im not going.

I sort of would like to go, but can't fit it in....

Only time I ever go to Chicago (the land of insane interstates convergences) is for ACEN.
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