My First & Simple Frag Grenade

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New Member
Hello there, since I'm new at making armor and stuff I figured I'll start out making a frag grenade to get the hang of it. The stuff I'm using is stock paper(thicker than normal paper & works great), elmers glue(bottle not glue stick), fiberglass resine, & bondo. If I'm missing any supplies please comment or if you have any suggestions for me.
I hope you got a respirator to wear when using the resin and all that stuff! XD

I think you have pretty much everything you need to get started. Just don't forget your paint and what not so you can paint it once you're all done. :p
ODST Major said:
thanks for the tip ill keep that in mind

you could cut a small hole in the bottom and pour in the liquid resin as i did and do a slush cast type deal. then pour out the excess and repeat a few times. after the ouside is hardened first of coarse. my son throws his around and stuff it just ads character to it, just a suggestion. good luck dude.
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