my friends xbox 360

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i walked to my friends house and we started Halo3 when it came to the menu it all stopped then the xbox rings turned red. which sucked cuz my mom at work my dad at work sister at school and nothingto do at my friends house then i walk home, im ezausted watched tv then came online onto this forum and im now saying this... today is a bad day for me :( :mad: . his 360 no work anymore
Emphasis on the doom. DooooOoOOOOom.

Microsoft can rebuild him. They have the money to give you a new one technology.
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Rocknrollcows said:
was he useing one of those external cooling fans?

cuz those things are known to cause the Red rings of doom.

he wasnt using the coolers. but he said it has happen before and it somehow worked?
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Nomadic Spoon said:
Microsoft can rebuild him. They have the money to give you a new one technology.
You have no idea how much I'm laughing. Love it! Love it! :lol:
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i heard it from a friend saying that the red rings of doom is caused by the heat sink being improperly moved away from the motherboard or something of the like and then you have a limited amount of time to get it fixed...its pretty much a ticking time bomb...but hey, microsoft is rich and therefore, get a new one but keep your hard drive (HDD)
MC PwN 3R said:
i heard it from a friend saying that the red rings of doom is caused by the heat sink being improperly moved away from the motherboard or something of the like and then you have a limited amount of time to get it fixed...its pretty much a ticking time bomb...but hey, microsoft is rich and therefore, get a new one but keep your hard drive (HDD)

Almost made a comment there, then stopped myself. :p
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TELL YOUR FRIEND TO CHECK THE LEADS THAT GO IN TO THE 360 (sorry for caps it was important). My friend got the RRoD. But thre are different problems why the rings turn red. If a cable has sliped out or isnt in properly, your 360 will display a red ring. THI IS VITAL, go and check! NOW! If all the cables are snuggly in place, search google. if not....
Didn't microsoft just extend the warrenty on rrod problems to 3 years? Anybody with the problem should look it up. You'd need to send your 360 away for repair/replacement but its better than just letting it be broken.
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