Resin outside lightly, dont glob it on. Do have a peice, such as the torso, do the front, let it dry, then do the back, dont want newspaper to get stuck to the armor.
Sit outside for 2-3 hours in the hot flaming sun.
Resin the inside too, you can do it all at once, lightly. Flip the peice over after 2-3 hours so they other side of the inside gets some sun light, usually the part that gets sun cures, then the part that doesnt is half cured and sticky.
Once all peices are resined inside and out, resin outside again, this time go ahead glob it on, but dont make a mess. Sit out for 2-3 hours, make sure you did half of each peice again, dont want grass or newspaper in the armor.
Buy a spray can of "spray adhesive" and spray a small peice of fiberglass, stick it on the inside of the armor (for example, a lower arm peice, stick it on the inside, not outside) then let it dry stuck to the armor, once the whole inside is covered in a sheet of fiberglass, resin it lightly to give it some more strength and your done.
You can sand the outside now and remove clumps and bumps of resin, make it smooth, then you can start painting.
By the way, all this will cost you around 50-100 dollars. Hope that helps.