My Pre-Fabbed Master Chief

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Darth Favre

Well a buddy of mine had a set of Master Chief armor that he didn't want, so I bought it off him. It needs a lot of work, to look good, and I just bought one of the helmets that is displayed here, so I can't wait to finish this bad boy and show it off at Dragon Con. I started it a few years ago, and was chronicling my progress here, but then between a divorce, job loss and move, the progress was halted for a good year or so. But back on my feet, and I am going to get this done I swear this time! Here are a couple pics of what I have been doing. I am planning on stripping everything I painted, and re-doing it in another method. I wanted to try this one, but it just isn't the look I was going for.




Looks like you have a great start, and so best of luck to you! Nice job on the battlescarred paintjob on the boot!

Well its been a long time since I updated here. Progress has been sporadic. Moved from Florida back up to Wisconsin, and finally getting some good progress done. I am trying to get this done by October 23rd for a local event here, so there's my goal. Here's a poor quality cell phone pic of the chest and helmet primed up. All but about 3 pieces are primed, and the rest should be ready for paint very soon. I promise to post more pics as I finish this over the next couple weeks.

Moved from Ft. Lauderdale to the Milwaukee area. A bit cooler in the winter, but I couldn't take the humidity in the summer down there!
Hey nice, I lived in MKE for a few years. Glad to see you're back to the armor, good luck and keep us updated.
Well I finished the visor. It looks fantastic! Thanks so much to those that figured out how to do the dual layer technique. My helmet I am going to use is currently at a buddies house, so I threw it in the helmet I am not using anymore and will need to find a new home for just to see how it looks.



I must way that the helmet looks really good!
and I must say that I want to see the armor finished :p

Good luck with whats left and keep up the pics!
Its perfect. I was wondering the same thing, but its just like looking through sunglasses. Even in the double layer area, its just a shade darker. And around the seam, there is no distortion. Its much better than I was thinking it would be. Highly recommend the technique!
Thanks! Well I was up till 1am this morning painting, and sanding, and painting. Got everything primed, and then the metallic layer. Tomorrow I will try and get the black and green down. Here are just a couple pics I snapped tonight. Its getting there :)




What is this armor made of? I would assume fiberglass except for in the first pictures you posted the white chest piece looks more like vacuum-pressed plastic, which I have never heard of anyone doing for Halo armor.
Well after an all night marathon session, I got it wearable for an event. Its by no means done. Still needs a lot of detail painting and weathering, all the electronics and such, but I did get it all on. After an hour or so in costume, I figured out I need to change a lot of the ways the costume was attached to itself and me. But thats how I figure it out.



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