I'm working on a Pepakura design right now and I've discovered, even when scaled properly there is no way to actually shoulder a weapon. You just can't. It's a stupid oversight by the bungie concept artist/modeller who tried to make a functional suit but completely neglects the most important part of any soldiers mobility, the upper body.
I'm at a loss of how to change the armour, even making it more narrow doesn't seem to alleviate the problem. The MC 1 armour seemed much better designed in that respect while this crap looks more like it's suppose to be a superman bust than a body armour.
It real detracts from the effect if you can only low ready a weapon and bob your head up and down like a RED VS BLUE character because if you shoulder your weapon it has to sitting on your chest.
here is what I have so far:
I'm working on a Pepakura design right now and I've discovered, even when scaled properly there is no way to actually shoulder a weapon. You just can't. It's a stupid oversight by the bungie concept artist/modeller who tried to make a functional suit but completely neglects the most important part of any soldiers mobility, the upper body.
I'm at a loss of how to change the armour, even making it more narrow doesn't seem to alleviate the problem. The MC 1 armour seemed much better designed in that respect while this crap looks more like it's suppose to be a superman bust than a body armour.
It real detracts from the effect if you can only low ready a weapon and bob your head up and down like a RED VS BLUE character because if you shoulder your weapon it has to sitting on your chest.
here is what I have so far: