My Project: Spartan Squad

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Thankyou very much, but my pepping isn't perfect. All my pieces are covered in grubby marks and a lot of the edges aren't perfect. Anyway, the chest isn't even a hidef piece. For reference, I use a steel ruler, the blunt side of a precision knife and a little bottle of wood glue for my peps.

I'd started smoothing the right forearm when I decided that it would be a good idea to finish my helmet and a handplate first. I'm going to mould a handplate using some free silicone I got, to practice using silicone on something small, and then I'm going to mould my CQX helmet.

I've managed to get almost all the details I want onto the helmet, I just need to smooth all the surfaces and prime it after this.
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I've also pepped Halogodess's female belt and the female greave from Reach, but I don't know if I'm going to use them or not.
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Also, the weather here hasn't been particularly warm; we've had about a foot of snow over the past few weeks and all exposed water has frozen.
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Sorry for the lack of updates over Christmas.

This is my own helmet, the Commando helmet without the radio thing. I've pepped it, given it a cot of resin, rondo'd it twice and just put some primer on it.


If all goes to plan, I'll mould this one before the Rogue instead.
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