N00b questions

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What would be the best piece of armor to start with for a rookie?

Also, if making a MkV[A] Helm(by Roadwarrior) where would be the best places to put fans and lights?
I would start with the leg.. its pretty basic.
(My brother told me to start with the helmet, because if I couldn't do it then I might as well forget the rest...) which this is half true, but after time you will become better... Everyone messes up first, second, or more times before perfecting any piece of armor.

(if your thinking about fans and lights in a helmet) I would first just build it =D
Just make sure you have the right size (Bigger the helmet the more space you will have for fans/lights) but don't look like a bobble head either...

My rambling is getting you no where (I think) ,so I will leave you with this. Make Hand piece with foam, make everything else with paper, then fiberglass resin, then pour in Rondo (Mix between 1/5 cup fiberglass liquid and 4/5 cup Bondo) You can always sand and add bondo..... just takes TIME TIME TIME TIME :) Enjoy 405th.com :) -=Nogood out------>>>
I would recomend working with foam, its very easy to work with and you get a wearable product quickly. you also don't have to deal with toxic chemicals. Helmets are always the hardest part, but there are plenty of people out there who sell helmets for a resonable price if you find them beyond your ability.

As far as electronics I like nogoods advice, worry about building it first, then do some research on the forums. There are several threads to answer those questions
Welcome to the 405th.

If you're looking at doing the whole suit, do a smaller piece like the leg armor that Nogood suggested, or something like a forearm or hand plate so you get a feel of how things will work for you. That and if you mess it up, you don't have as much to rebuild. . . . . LOL! It's different for everyone based on your ability, but that's where I'd start. Also, if you're just starting out. . . . try to find some SD or low definition pieces to build just so you get a feel for the pepping or foam work, then you can move onto the more advanced pieces with more detail like your helmet and final armor pieces you plan on using.

As far as foam being easier. . . . I'll agree as far as putting it together. I don't agree with the prep work though. You have to make sure the parts are cut out exactly to make sure you don't have unsightly gaps that have to be fixed later. Just personal preference on which you choose though. Both have their pros and cons.

Hope this helps. And good luck with your build.
Thanks for the advice! I definitly want the whole suit, even planned out the ideal armor combination that I'd say like. I think I'll start with basic hand, arm and shoulder.
I was reading in the noob guide, about some of the differences between the fiberglass/resin and rondo methods, and was wondering, would doing a layer of fiberglass/resin first, then a coat of rondo be advisable?
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