Need Help with Resin and Bondo

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New Member
So my original goal was to have a full suit of armor by next march. I started pepping my helmet. Amazed at how quickly things were going, I changed my goal to a helmet by Reach's release. I have it most of the way pepped. (Can and will finish today) Do you guys think I would be able to resin, bondo, and have this painted by reach. Also what do you guys use for resining? Is it 100% necessary to have the fiberglass mat for the inside? This is my first time using the resin and bondo (I have lurked all the how to's and know the safety precautions :p) and I want things to go smoothly. Before I potentially ruin the helmet I am going to try a handpiece first to get the hang of things. Any tips guys?
Well make sure you put a few spoon fulls on a flat surface so its liek 4 intches wide of bondo then ass about a 2 or 3 intch line of bondo. Then mic it. Make sure you apply thin layers and be care ful. I messed up really bad this is just the info i got from others.
If you fiber glass it you might not make your dead line, unless you have large amounts of time to work on it. Use automotive fiberglass resin. You can get it at any local auto parts store. Also watch the vids by ben Streeper he walks you trough what to do from finished pep to molding. If you rondo the inside of the helmet you can have it hardened it about an hour. Put two or three coats of resin on the outside and sand that first when it's hard. That will show you where your low spots are then add bondo to those areas in small amounts. The rest is easy once it's to you liking primer, paint and enjoy.
Thank you guys, I will check out the videos. Are they linked in the forum? If not someone should link them then it should be stickied. :D I'll check the webs for 'em.
you could always mix the bondo with resin and create rondo, then pour it into your helm and coat the inside with it. it usually takes a couple of hours to harden fully. then you wouldnt have to use fiberglass at all. thats what i did on my helmet and it works really well. took me about 5 days all together from pep to fully sprayed and finished :)
ben streeper has some great videos on youtube about this, i think his name is iceagonakillya or something like that..

Edit: here you go
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