Never been to a convention ...

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... but there is a Science Fiction based one locally in late October ( ). I'll be attending and wearing my Halo armour.

I've read the "Rules of Engagement" above and that seems like common sense stuff.

But what do you folks do in your costumes at conventions?
Do you wear them the entire weekend or just for certain events/functions?
Do you stay "in character" while suited up?

Any hints on how to make the best of the experience for an convention NOOB?

I'm actually working on an updated "rules of engagement" which I'll hopefully get sent off to Adam and approved soon.

At conventions I 1st make sure to visit the events I want to see, because hey, I'm at this convention for a reason besides just dressing up! If I don't mind being stopped for pictures while going about my business, I wear my costume around the hallways. And if it's a Halo panel or event I'm headed to, I'll be sure to dress up.

I also try to make a point of organizing some sort of photoshoot/gathering for other people in costume to meet up at. After all, you never know what might happen when you have a dozen spartans gather together (see: SDCC '10). Plus it's nice to see other suits in person and swap notes.

I usually sport my suits for every day except one, which I designate my shopping day (when I want to breeze through the exhibit halls without being stopped for photos). If you do this, be sure to keep multiple undersuits to change into and bathe regularly if not for yourself then for those around you. One shower a day minimum, and sometimes I'll take a break in the middle of the day (having a nearby place to crash is a must if you're planning for multiple days).

I don't stay in character for the most part, mostly because I'm there as a congoer, not as a model. Though I guess I'm in character if I'm dressed as a marine by default.

Best adivce? Be sociable! Don't be a square bear. There's enough socially awkward folks at conventions.
What I usually do, carry around my Mark VI helmet with me off and on during the convention, a number of people usually approach me about it...

I wear my armor for a while... until I get sick and tired of people taking my picture...

Then I play the statue game...

Stand still, people will eventually walk right up to you thinking you ARE a statue, that's when you lunge at them and say "boo"... it never gets old!

I've been known to wear my armor for a while in the rave/dance. <3 my air circulation fans!!!

I designed my armor so I can sit down in it, take the helmet off from time to time and you will get to know a LOT of people!!! Maybe even some of the VIP guests will approach you.

Remember to stay hydrated!!! make it a point of drinking water every hour while in costume, if you see a water station, get a glass of water! So many people forget to hydrate and they get dehydrated. Once you are dehydrated you will get tired a LOT easier and it 'can' lead to you catching the con bug which is NEVER a good thing.
When possible I try to stay in character - my armor is a green MkVI so everyone assumes I'm the Chief. DCon is a bit of an anomaly as there are a lot of 405th members that I want to meet/chat with so my helmet is off more that usual...

That being said - have fun! I generally go TO wear my armor, everything else is a bonus and I plan my convention around being in armor. Pictures, pictures, everywhere! Count on tons of pics constantly, hopefully you enjoy them! Plan extra time to get to activities when you are in armor because you WILL get stopped for pics. I can generally disengage when it's an adult but I will always stop and make time for the kids. This may be their one chance to get a picture with you and that can make their day.

If you feel yourself getting tired or dehydrated, leave extra time to get back to your room (or to get a drink). I've caught myself pushing it once or twice just to realize that it's going to take me an extra hour to make it back. Don't be afraid to look after yourself. Test your armor BEFORE you hit the floor! You don't want to realize that your gauntlets cut into your wrists halfway across the Con. Bring a repair kit so that you can make any needed repairs onsite. I have a huge kit and it never fails - I spend hours at every DCon fixing (and making) armor. This year I actually built an entire Arc-Reactor illumination system and installed lights and fans in a friend's helmet in the hotel room...

As far as general Con tips - be organized. Look at the schedule and decide what you want to do, when it happens, and where it is beforehand. They tend to be hectic (more so in costume) and it's a whole lot easier to make your personal itinerary when you are relaxed and sitting down. Carry a cheat-sheet if you need to so you don't end up missing that one panel you really wanted to see. HAVE A HANDLER if possible - someone to watch your back and control the crown if things get rowdy.

There's a ton of stuff and hopefully by the time everyone chimes in, you will have a better idea of what to do and how to prepare.

Good luck and have fun!
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Then I play the statue game...

Stand still, people will eventually walk right up to you thinking you ARE a statue, that's when you lunge at them and say "boo"... it never gets old!

My first convention was All-Con where I took my MC suit it was only paper and 1 coat of resin no other reinforcement I was in a hurry. The suit lasted 8 hours before only the boots and shins got damaged at the end, in my frustration and anger I gave the suit away I only worked for 3 months on it, so if something like this happens to you don't follow in my footsteps. Also the armor is really great to have one of the camelback water hydration bladders under the back of your armor.
Thanks guys, you make it all sound like such a blast. I am now looking forward to it even more.

Obviously I haven't experienced the picture thing, it'll be interesting to see if I can cause this same sort of stir :)

I've looked through the con schedule and so far the following events look like must attends; masguerade ball, How to survive a zombie attack panel, picture taken with Aaron Douglas (played Cheif Galen Tyrol in BattleStar Galactica) in armour so there will be multiple chiefs in one pic; ... lots more!
Ahh man, this thread is making me relive my first con.

I'd recommend to stay out of costume for a few hours the first day you're at con unless you're already familiar with the venue it's at. That way you'll know where escalators or stairs may be, or if it's all nice and flat. Usually, the last day of the con will have a good sale going in the dealer room but you also risk someone buying what you want over the other days, so it depends on what the item is.

Most cons supply some sort of free water source - use it! If you keep hydrated and eat snacks every few hours, you'll be a much happier camper by the end of con. Depending on the type of the con and how long you stick around, you may be on your feet for a very long time. Basically, just have fun. If you want to be in character, stay in character. It is a con you're paying for though, so don't feel weird about taking your helmet off if you need to. Also, the statue routine is always funny.

Mr. Douglas is an awesome guy! Ran into him a few times at this last D*C and he's a class act, especially with fans. I'd imagine he would get a kick out of that picture.
More awesome war stories :)

Also a ton of useful suggestions that I will use. There may even be points Trooper0621 didn't think of that he might add to his ROE tips.

Apparently there are couple of local guys in the 501st who will be attending. I'll see if I can establish friendly relations with the empire :)

What's the strangest thing to happed to you at a con while in costume?
Don't be afraid to use very comfortable shoes... if your shoes aren't comfortable to walk around in don't expect to use them with your armor and expect them to perform better. I would suggest getting gel insoles to help some.

I used a bit of velcro under my boot caps so I could easily use different shoes with them. If the new shoes are larger or smaller just add or remove some velcro...

A quick and easy way to add padding in a pinch... Industrial velcro. Stick the glue back sides togather so that one side is the plastic loop side and the other side is the fuzzy cloth side. Cut them to size (I usually make them 1 or 2 inches wide by 2 or 3 inches long) then stack them as needed... where they are needed. Just make sure the fuzzy cloth side is facing your body/skin because the plastic loop side will feel like sandpaper after a while...

I bring a few different colors of perm ink markers. In a pinch they work wonders for covering up paint job damage.


The first convention I wore my Mark VI to... We'll just say that I was the sole reason hallway traffic flow stopped... constantly... Be considerate where you stop for pictures. Try to step away from the flow of traffic, hide away in a corner or some other off to the side spot... At that convention didn't matter where I stopped... 40-50 people with cameras would make a 1/2 moon circle around me blocking off the whole hallway...


Try to come up with poses before you goto conventions. People ALWAYS LOVE the Captain Morgan pose... but how well you can keep your balance in your armor is another story...


For pictures, if they have a camera phone, or a fairly cheap camera... if you have bright headlamps... don't look right into the camera, aim the lights away from it slightly otherwise the picture won't turn out as well.
The strangest thing... Um, there are kids on the forum so I can't say. Lets just say its amazing how much the ladies love the chief, and I wish that I had brought a camera. But its a blast! The pic thing is an understatement. DW and I made it 20 feet and would get stopped for like 10 minutes or so before we could move another 20 feet.
Apparently there are couple of local guys in the 501st who will be attending. I'll see if I can establish friendly relations with the empire :)

What's the strangest thing to happed to you at a con while in costume?

Definitely! Pick up a card and get on their forums afterwards.

Sirblood is dead on the money with gel inserts. They will save your feet.

Erm... strangest thing. Depends on your definition of strange. Actual strangest was being called Boba Fett while wearing my ODST armor at con. Or least year at Dragon Con. I was wearing my sandtrooper and walked into the ladies rest room. Thought I was about to get stoned. xD.

As far as cool strange... Ahh man, there's a story for every frakkin' day of every con I've been to. There's always hinjinks going on somewhere if it's a good con. If a story doesn't fall into you, you make one happen. And I've only been going to cons for about a year now. You'll run into super fans of whatever costume you're wearing, folks that are gonna ask if you're Steampunk regardless of what costume you're in, celebrities out and about - and they're usually good with fans, a bunch of cool people, and hopefully no trouble. Or at least, the bad kinda trouble. The fun kinda trouble is expected at con.

Oh, and if you're not in costume, take a camera. Actually, scratch that. Even if you're in costume, take your cell or some form of a camera, just in case. Never assume you'll be able to find pics of yourself unless you have someone take them. You may run into a photo op you'll want a record of, or spot a really cool costume you want pictures of.
I'm getting more stoked as I read these great stories and tips, and I've still got a month to wait! (I'll put the time to good use completing parts of my suit not yet made and improving parts that are.)

I can do the "Captain Morgan" pose. I'll also practice the pose the MC uses when he's inside his 'bubble shield". I can also do weapons handling drill, although I haven't tried it in the costume.

My boots are pretty comfortable, I've had them for years. Adding gel inserts will only help so that's a definite buy.

I can understand why your guys stop traffic, I've looked up your builds and they are awesome! I'm just hoping I won't have to explain who I'm supposed to be. Although I won't be crushed if I have to because apparently some folks just won't get it (Thanks for the warning ~rumble! It'll save bruises to my fragile ego :) ).
Haha, just roll with it. It will most likely happen so don't let it bother ya. They took a moment of their time to get a picture of you, so they at least thought the armor was cool enough for that. In my Sandtrooper - which pretty much looks like a Stormtrooper outside of the extra stuff that goes with being a Sandtrooper - I've been called everything from Darth Vader to a Ghostbuster. Post up if someone calls you just something far out in left field. How much the misnaming happens just depends on who's going to the con; if they're mostly gamers and you even remotely look like MC, they'll figure it out. Halo's recognizable enough.
I'm a convention veteran of 4 years. Here's my tips:

1) Bring Water. All that walking around leaves you very thirsty. I've been thinking of modding a Flame Grenade to be a water bottle, so feel free to do something like that if you don't want to carry something uncharacteristic of a spartan. lol
2) Wear Comfortable shoes. All that walking will get your feet sore.
3) Bring a Camera, or have a friend bring one. Conventions will give you some great memories.
4) Extra cash. Cash for food, and cash for the Dealer's Hall.

When walking around, being in character is pretty fun, and people generally enjoy watching you mess around. But there are times when you should drop character too, like when kid wants a picture with you. Always remember to relax and enjoy the experience.
So, the local con starts today. I went down this afternoon (no armour) to register and do the walk around (great advice!). There is one set of stairs that's going to be a pain, otherwise the venue looks relatively easy to get around in.

The con has "watering stations" set up in the major rooms. This struck me as a good idea.

The costumes on display so far were "good" with a couple of "excellent". I should fit in somewhere in the top 1/3rd :) This made me much more comfortable and excited! Further, I'm an "older" spartan*, and being in costume will help me "fit in" better.

Everyone is incredibly friendly.

No matter how geeky/nerdy I feel, I'm not the guy running around in his Star Wars pajamas!

*How to tell if you are an older spartan:
1. You remember when Dungeons and Dragons didn't have edition numbers (4e WTF?);
2. The question "Bailey or Jennifer" makes sense to you and once was very important; and
3. You believed the line "I am your father" was a lie or a trick and could actually convince people that this was so.
Sorry for the double-post, but let me just say - "People love the Master Chief!" For those who have experienced it, now I understand what you're talking about. For those who haven't, all I can say is get your armour done and get out there! For a brief moment you won't be 'some guy in a costume", you'll be The Master Chief!

A few pics from last night. My wife spent most of the evening running interference, getting my attention when people wanted to take pictures, explaining to people how I made it, etc. So she didn't take many photos, although I was in literally hundreds.

MC and a sun goddess:

"Aren't you a little short to be a Storm Trooper?":

We staged a fight, but my wife got swamped by the crowd when we started and couldn't see us to get a pic:

We did the Sand People victory yell also:

An unbelievable model of the Leonid, the space ship from the movie 2010:

With the creator of the Leonid, everyone loves Master Chief!:


The lady is, of course, Denise Crosby, who played Lt. Tasha Yarr on Star Trek: The Next Generation. She was going in to the room behind us as I posed for some pics at the top of a small flight of stairs, she couldn't resist giving the Chief 'bunny ears':


I havent been to a convention since 2005. It was a last minute idea i got in my head. I hopped on a grey hound bus headed to Annaheim. I had a great time. I guess the big thing now is Comicon. I will def try to make it out next year.
The strangest thing... Um, there are kids on the forum so I can't say. Lets just say its amazing how much the ladies love the chief, and I wish that I had brought a camera. But its a blast! The pic thing is an understatement. DW and I made it 20 feet and would get stopped for like 10 minutes or so before we could move another 20 feet.

Speaking of...has anyone rigged some sort of cam into their armor? You get the POV experience!
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