New Believe Ads

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hehe not bad, I havent seen these on TV where were they shown?

They got to show off the armor in the next commercial :lol:
You can see a needler, plasma pistol, carbine, smg, human pistol, and assault rifle, a brute headdress? I want those in my hot hands!
I hope that they have a big exhibit that tours musems with the diorama and all of these sweet costumes and props.
papamurf812 said:
I hope that they have a big exhibit that tours musems with the diorama and all of these sweet costumes and props.

There is my family fun vacation.
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god these believe ads are the best game/anything ads ever they acually make me think i was there and give me these feelings called E.M.O.T.I.O.N.S
poosnicles said:
god these believe ads are the best game/anything ads ever they acually make me think i was there and give me these feelings called E.M.O.T.I.O.N.S
PLUS ONE /goosebumps

they really pull at your heart, ahhhhhhh they are TOTALLY ramping us up for a movie too i can FEEL it
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FinAeros said:
I really hope this tours the US.

Talking with a Game stop employee today about that he said that he read that it was
for what that is worth

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Bungie just needs to take all this stuff and open an actual museum. like a few blocks from their studio or something. Imagine how many people would pay admissions to go and walk through a halo museum full of all this stuff.

I certainly would
God this would be SO AWESOME if it was made into a real exhibit. Just imagine how much they would make if they mass produced and sold replicas like those too....Ooohh my GOD!! :love:
There would be more realism in these testimonials if the veterans would cry when they talk about their fallen allies.
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