New Odst Armor Started

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rube said:
No pep for the boots. It was carved out of foam and detailed with Bondo. It will be cast in a hard rubber.

Adam, I'm sending you all my paintwork from now on.

i love how this is all "rub can i have your helm"

So i take it you got know arch support in this custom boots?

Personally i would send it all off to ruze i think he did an amazing job with one of yours not to discredit adams work.
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Just read through all 27 pages. I can't believe the amount of detail you have put in. Looks amazing. Must get off my arse and get mine sorted.

This I just an epic showpiece.

Keep up the good work.
Thats some wicked armor

I have 3 questions though

-Where do i get the "blueprints" that u started with?

-Is it possible to set up a simple HUD in the helmet, is there enough room?

-Can the helmet and plastic take a direct paintball going at 300 FPS?

Keep up with the good with
Spartan-463 said:
-Where do i get the "blueprints" that u started with?

-Is it possible to set up a simple HUD in the helmet, is there enough room?

-Can the helmet and plastic take a direct paintball going at 300 FPS?

1) the helmet was the skg/ruze weta helmet, But i think most of his other stuff was built from ground up

2) HUD? maybe, what purpose would you need it for? Cheapest ones ive seen are for motory cycle helmets for 180. All they display is speed/hour and RPM... honestly how is that going to benifitial to a prop. People will be seeing it from the outside anyways

3) Props arent made to be used as safety equipment. Why would you want to, theres not a good air circulation, it would get extremely hot to wear and the visor would fog up
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Spartan-463 said:
-Can the helmet and plastic take a direct paintball going at 300 FPS?

And there's a video somewhere here showing that no, these props don't survive taking a hit from a paintball.

Besides the safety issues, do you really want to damage your expensive (money-wise, time-wise, or usually both) prop when you can just go out and get equipment designed for paintball?
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First off, this is AMAZING! I wish that I would have found this post earlier. I spent an hour or so just reading all of the posts haha.

My family does stained/fused/slumped glass. Slumping glass is a process where you put a sheet of glass over a mold and put it in a kiln. As the glass reaches its melting point it gets soft and takes the shape of the mold. I can do this with and color glass. If you are interested I could slump you a glass visor.

I just need:

1) a mold

2)a template of where you want me to cut/grind the glass so that it will fit your helm.

I also PMed you in regards to purchasing one of your awesome works :D It truly is amazing.

Also, the college I go to has a "free cast friday" Where you can bring in something, and cast it in aluminum (for free!). My dream is to get a helmet, cast it in aluminum, and add a glass visor. I would like to get your opinion on this.

Eventually, maybe I would make a whole armor set out of aluminum.

Thanks for reading my long post, and if there's anything I can do or if you have any opinions on what I said then let me know :D

Also, what do you cast these out of? and is the inside pretty smooth?
I'm sure about being the umptenth person to ask you this, but i would like to discuss the cost of a red-ish brown visor, for my halo 3 version odst, for you are the best of the best out here.
hey i was wonderin if i could buy a set of armor from you! Im sure you've been asked this a million times but is it possible to purchase some armor from you
rube said:
A small update:

Chest bits, cloth for the left chest armor started.


Neck and shoulders.


Tinted visor.



looks amazing...what size is your chest armor?
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rube said:
I have .060 Lexan on order since I can't pull enough vacuum to completely form .090. I posted a pic above showing a sheet that I thought I overheated. As it turns out I didn't overheat it. Polycarbonate absorbs water from the environment. It must be baked for a time to drive out the absorbed moisture. The bubbles are actually little pockets of water that flashed to steam in the oven. Styrene and ABS are so much more forgiving.

I tried again anyway:


Painted for clarity.


It actually looks better in person than that photo

You may have been refering to tail light tinter, just google it and it should come up, usually they have many colors, so if you wanted to add some kinds of scratchs or such, I orderd some black a while back for my Z, you put it on like nail polish


I plan to tint the visor by painting it with automotive clearcoat paint mixed with a little black. I remember seeing ready to go spray cans for tinting plastic taillight lenses in an auto parts store but I can't seem to find it now.


The vacforming setup is pretty much what you see in the photos. There is a shop vac connected to the base. The frame holding the plastic goes into the oven. When the plastics sags, I take it out and press it down on the base. there is a foam rubber gasket to seal the frame and base to each other.

I've had four people PM so far looking to buy one. Assuming I don't get swamped with orders, I'll make them for free other than the shipping cost.

Thanks for your support!
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Ahh Rube, its been a while I finally get to checking up, and to my dismay, you are making your own shoes...what have you got on all the other things? I wanna know!!
I just looked through the whole thread! absolutely incredible work. and your paint jobs are amazing!
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