New Way, Old Armor, Old Results

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Teaser time!



The Stig said:
I hope you realise secret project topics are against the rules.

i hate to say it, but homeboy is correct...

post your actual pics, and get it over with.
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DreadMullet said:
i hate to say it, but homeboy is correct...

post your actual pics, and get it over with.

This. I wish people would stop hoarding attention and just get on with the show already. This is a website, not Dragonball Z.

Looks great, but then again it's just a shadow.
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When will you reveal what it is!? Come on! People are waiting! lol

And maybe you should reveal it soon if that The Stig said that threads like this are aginst the rules.
ImaGonnaGetYou said:
This. I wish people would stop hoarding attention and just get on with the show already. This is a website, not Dragonball Z.

Never watched "Dragonball Z", so I wouldn't know :) I apologize deeply, just I forgot to load the pics onto my computer.

This is my new Mark VI armor built in an old way, but a new way at the same time (same results, sadly). The helmet is in-cognito right now, sadly.







(Yes, I know the pics are fuzzy, maybe more armor parts to be uploaded)

I'll upload a viddy on my method sometime. So far I've spent about $3 total ($0 if you count don't count caulking) thanks to the magic of yardsales, and too many boxes.
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That is freaking amazing. Cardboard and caulking? Looks like it was done by a pro. Especially the chest piece. I don't know how you got so many details on that thing with cardboard.

Also, Dragonball Z episodes were ridiculously long and accomplished nothing every episode. It took them like 5 shows just for someone to drink a glass of water or something.
Well... I initially used hot glue to hold it together, I'm going to be smoothing the thing with caulking (come to think of
it, I need to check on one of the gauntlets) and sanding the caulking (need another sander though, I'm currently using one as old as me!).

The chest piece was freeform, using parts remaining from my last suit of armor as reference. With the chest piece I didn't know what I was doing, no plan really. I just kept building.

The rest use my "epicly epic" method, which I need to make a video of. I've done something similar to it on my last suit of armor (only I tried paper mache instead, it turned out horribly), its thread is kicking around somewhere.

I'm thinking of making my own helmet though in addition to my Mark VI helmet. Already have a 3d model ready too (Thank god for GMAX!)






I know, its a little lumpy, but I'll be adding a mud-caulking mixture on top of it, so that is addressed.

I'm out of caulking until the upcoming weekend (gonna cut it kinda close, huh?).

The helmet is going to take a while, for now I'm going with the standard one.
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