Noble Team Build Help

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Lord Tyr

New Member
My father disided it would be a good father-son bonding expericance making a set of armor. We wanted to make members of Noble team, my father is making Carter, aka Noble 1, but I still havn't chosen my build. Any suggestions on what team member I should build.
p.s. I have all the peps for every member.
Thank you for your help,
Lord Tyr
Well that depends on your style really and what wepons you like.

Jorge = Heavy Weapons
Kat = Light weapons and computer tech
Jun = Long rage combat and recon
Emile = Close combat
Six = what ever you want.

The more simple builds are going to be Kat and Jun. Six and Jorge and Emile and a little harder, epically Emiles helmet. Im going to guess you may not want to do Kat becuase you male. So id go with Jun or Jorge maybe Six. Your call. Good luck
I personally dont like the noble team designs. you should go with the mark VI (halo 3) armor everyone knows and loves.
I built a noble six costume and a mark VI, and liked how the mark VI looked more.
@Charlieiscool12: Honestly, I love the armour designs of Noble Team better than the Mk VI, it feels... more personalized. I also like the different personalities of Noble Team, makes them feel much more realistic.

@Lord Tyr: I honestly would say Noble Six, because he/she can be whatever armour design you want. But that's my personal opinion. I'm sure whatever you decide will be awesome.
I agree with Deputy Dog. You could do a custom build. It would feel heaps more personal. I'm currently working on a reach-based Hayabusa build, crossing Halo 3's Hayabusa with reach armour.

Its cool your dad is doing it with you. My family thinks i'm crazy.
Yea, i did a custom build on my first. MK IV with scout sholders and jun's helmet. Goes with my style. But now im doing a normal MK IV. Thats why Noble Six tends to be good. He's you in the game and you can form him into what ever.
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