first full armor build

TC Wolfie

Im going to be using this to document the build of my first full suit of halo armour.
Its going to be a modifide locus helmet, with wires coming out of it going to other parts of the helmet. im hoping to print a scanner helmet that will match the colour scheem of the whole build so that they can be swaped over as in when i feel like it. this will be on top of a gen 2 aviator platform with that will have the gen 1 knees as i prefer them. Im look to do a light grey primary colour with a dark grey secondary and deep red tertiary colour.
Im hoping to add a fan into both helmets to keep me cool at cons while adding to the living look to the builds. LEDs in select locations toi help them pop and stand out.
Ive already started making a body form to fit check everything as the build comes along so that nothing catches me by suprise.
Any tips or advice i will be greaty thankfull of and probably use.


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I am thrilled to see someone making some Halo 5 armor, I feel like those armor sets are slept on far too often when it comes to cosplay. We have plenty of tips and tricks in our tutorial section, be sure to check those out to help you on your journey!

I can't wait to see how this build turns out, best of luck Spartan!
I am thrilled to see someone making some Halo 5 armor, I feel like Halo 5 is slept on far too often when it comes to cosplay. We have plenty of tips and tricks in our tutorial section, be sure to check those out to help you on your journey!

I can't wait to see how this build turns out, best of luck Spartan!
thank you im hoping to use both 3d printing and foam crafting to bring some love to this progect
It's nice to see Halo 5 get some love (In my opinion, it still has the best firefight mode). Can't wait to see this project finished! Everything you've done so far looks fantastic!! :cool:
It's nice to see Halo 5 get some love (In my opinion, it still has the best firefight mode). Can't wait to see this project finished! Everything you've done so far looks fantastic!! :cool:
thank you so much im planing on using a moph suit under the main amour plates and doing a proper undersuit like they haver in game
all the parts to the chest harnes have been printed and joined together. now i need to prep and paint. i do need some help in figureing out how to conect the two halfs. I do need to add a layer of foam to the connection point at the top of the harness to fill a gap that was left for it have a quiet joint.
Gotta love the build volume of the neptune 4 max it's allowed me to print the shoulder peace in one hit
I've been eyeballing (reference to the googly eyes :lol:) a Neptune 4 Max or a AnyCubic Kobra 2 Max since they are so capable when printing larger pieces. The worst thing to have happen with a smaller printer is when you think everything printed perfectly and then you try to connect them and realize that they're off.

How big of a table/counter do you need for that printer to sit on? That's kind of the only reason I haven't gotten one is because of how little space I have.
Gotta love the build volume of the neptune 4 max it's allowed me to print the shoulder peace in one hit View attachment 345627 only issue with this print is i had to change the filament towards the end View attachment 345628
I love the eyes on the printer, build volume is a nice bonus, and the prints look like they come off pretty decently, still got a bit of sanding to do, and i hate sanding.
I've been eyeballing (reference to the googly eyes :lol:) a Neptune 4 Max or a AnyCubic Kobra 2 Max since they are so capable when printing larger pieces. The worst thing to have happen with a smaller printer is when you think everything printed perfectly and then you try to connect them and realize that they're off.

How big of a table/counter do you need for that printer to sit on? That's kind of the only reason I haven't gotten one is because of how little space I have.
just had a look and youll need just over 600, 1000, 1000mm area to have it run without hitting anything
I love the eyes on the printer, build volume is a nice bonus, and the prints look like they come off pretty decently, still got a bit of sanding to do, and i hate sanding.
yeah theres a good amount of sanding to do on this one came out a little ruff on the underside where it was being suported
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