Ok Now I'm Getting Spammed Over This

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would someone just unfold her damned car, if it'll make her go away then do it fast.

oh and i'm getting rid of all the comments that have been posted on my video from when this thing started to when i made it end, so if you want to read it all do it now or forever hold your peace cuz it's gonna be deleted.

i'll unblock the 405th member before i delete the massages, promise.
paradoxdj said:
would someone just unfold her damned car, if it'll make her go away then do it fast.

oh and i'm getting rid of all the comments that have been posted on my video from when this thing started to when i made it end, so if you want to read it all do it now or forever hold your peace cuz it's gonna be deleted.

i'll unblock the 405th member before i delete the massages, promise.

I've already saved it to put in my "Hilarious things to save forever, and show all my friends" collection. Lol. Crazyness :eek .
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Is it a dude or a chick?

he/she refers to their BF... but i look at the profile and see guy stuff...

uhh... huh?


okay, I tried PMing him/her to calm him down, he ended up telling me a story about some pdo files and a guy named big skip... pretty sure it was fake... seriously, big skip, sounds like he/she came up with it on the spot trying to get me to say something that he could then turn around and use against the 405th... makes me think that maybe he is doing this for $#!Ts-n-giggles.... or maybe not... idk tbh
I think we shouldn't unfold the car personally, because we would be giving him/her what she wanted, just like a little kid who is being a brat about not getting a toy, we should just let the Mods handle this situation.
She's says there's someone on the 405th that helped hack the wiki? She says one of us helped them. She said a name but I'm not gonna start a witch-hunt here. Should I try to contact a mod and give them the name so they can investigate or something? I remember the person that she says it was was in contact with them during the original hacking.

JackSkelling10 said:
She's says there's someone on the 405th that helped hack the wiki? She says one of us helped them. She said a name but I'm not gonna start a witch-hunt here. Should I try to contact a mod and give them the name so they can investigate or something? I remember the person that she says it was was in contact with them during the original hacking.

You should let the mods investigate that one. We don't want people on here that have helped people to delete or ruin things created by members of this community. If they did do it then they should be banned. If they didn't then no action should be taken. But yeah, give the mods the name and let them sort it out. I personally don't think it happened and would leave it.

End edit

Shade said:
I think we shouldn't unfold the car personally, because we would be giving him/her what she wanted, just like a little kid who is being a brat about not getting a toy, we should just let the Mods handle this situation.

I agree. If they want the car unfolded that badly then why not try themselves? It might not be perfect, but atleast they end up with experience of doing it and should get better at it with practice. I'm not the best at unfolding, but I gave it a shot and did not too bad. I just need to lay it out better :p. The chances are that s/he is 8 years old. I say this as much of it doesn't make sence. It incoherent and most of the story contradicts itself. And if they don't get their way they go off in a hissy fit. So sounds like a little kid to me just trying to wind people up. Do what you do with kids that go off in a huff. Ignore them and they eventually get bored and move onto something else.

Shade said:
Hey, we don't want to offend anyone here, can you please edit post?

Edited for ya.
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MINZEZ said:
Contradicts itself. Kinda like the Bible.

Hey, we don't want to offend anyone here, can you please edit post?

But I do agree with everything else you said.
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Overlord_Ian said:
HAHAHAHHA look at this comment she left for me:

EvilOverlordIan (my youtube account): "Why would anyone try to make a car out of pep anyway?"

Ameriann1: "Retarded question asked by Wantabeevillan

Hmmm every person that has their own car body buisness has done so with pepakura from what I hear. So has the Austrlian guy who made a 2/5ths tank from scratch. Need I say more?"

And I lol'ed at how she called me "Wannabeevillan"

haa ha they called you a weevil, thats funny those things are cool. oh no its a wanta-be villan so your not a villian but you want to be a bad boy,
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These people have serious issues and should seek medical attention. I say this with all seriousness. Please do not feed their need to make up more lies and live a fantasy. The Mods and Admin are aware of the person they mention and nothing has shown to be true. We have also been part of these evil lies as well. Please ignore these people or they will not go away. They are spreading to the members now because the MOds and Admin stop paying attention to them. They are attenion hogs and have not been loved by mommny or daddy and will try to get attention from anywhere. 3 of us have now taken legal actiona dn another has saught legal advice about this situation. There is currently 3 invesigations going on in 3 different locations. I highly suggest ignoring them. If you can not then save what they send to you and file a police report in your area and please send me the police report number along with the police department and officer information. These people have go to the extreme and this is way out of hand. It would be much appreciated if threads like these would stop due to them getting what they want.

paradoxdj this is a really distressing response on your video. i myself do not really get why she is so anoyed and makeing up things. even from a phsycology background she is suffering pretty harshly in a fantasy and delusions. as for her boyfriend thing im sure he had made it up to reinforce her story somehow. although it did not work in the least.

yes i found the youtube thread funny until about 7 posts of hers. after that she had lost the battle was really over exerting herself and createing alot of stress. while everyone else i can see was laughing at her igorance. its best to report and delete these messages. do not get into a larger flame war, or a video flame war. its not worth the trouble.

also i laugh at the comment she made 2/5th the size tank a guy made in australia. yea i can see 2/5th size tank. thats what the size of a lawnmower? she really has her sizeing issues wrong and a 1/1 car is beter made in clay and bondo and wood than pep. talk with any car prototyper. its either alot of clay or foam cnc' to shape or wood and bondo and clay to create the desired shape then mold that. thats it
MINZEZ said:
^ Nuf said. Paradoxdj, I would suggest you get a mod to close this. Thats if you want it closed.

yes i agree, i'v asked for this too be locked once or twice already and now i'm starting to think it should be deleted too. please mods at least lock this. now.
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Form - [fawrm] –noun

1. external appearance of a clearly defined area, as distinguished from color or material; configuration: a triangular form.

2. the shape of a thing or person.

3. a body, esp. that of a human being.

4. a dummy having the same measurements as a human body, used for fitting or displaying clothing: a dressmaker's form.

5. something that gives or determines shape; a mold.

&c., &c.

FORUM - [fawr-uhm, fohr-uhm] –noun, plural fo⋅rums, fo⋅ra  /ˈfɔrə, ˈfoʊrə/

1. the marketplace or public square of an ancient Roman city, the center of judicial and business affairs and a place of assembly for the people.

2. a court or tribunal: the forum of public opinion.

3. an assembly, meeting place, television program, etc., for the discussion of questions of public interest.

4. the Forum, the forum in the ancient city of Rome.

Big difference....

Secondly, I read what I thought was all of her comments, then I realized The scroll bar was only halfway down the page :eek

Thirdly, it's probably a 12-year-old girl and her "boyfriend" is probably a crush who she sits next to a lot :p Little kids are the only ones that I see post that much vulgarity on the innerwebz. Or we could follow the rule that states, "There are no 'girls' on the internet." We all know there are exceptions with evidence on the 405th, so we'll just stick with the 12-year-old theory :lol

By the way, I'm not a yank. I'm from Florida so therefor I am a hick ;) I got a strawberrry field, an orange grove, and a cow pasture all on my little segment of my road :cool


Ithica said:
These people have serious issues and should seek medical attention. I say this with all seriousness. Please do not feed their need to make up more lies and live a fantasy. The Mods and Admin are aware of the person they mention and nothing has shown to be true. We have also been part of these evil lies as well. Please ignore these people or they will not go away. They are spreading to the members now because the MOds and Admin stop paying attention to them. They are attenion hogs and have not been loved by mommny or daddy and will try to get attention from anywhere. 3 of us have now taken legal actiona dn another has saught legal advice about this situation. There is currently 3 invesigations going on in 3 different locations. I highly suggest ignoring them. If you can not then save what they send to you and file a police report in your area and please send me the police report number along with the police department and officer information. These people have go to the extreme and this is way out of hand. It would be much appreciated if threads like these would stop due to them getting what they want.


Good news.
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I've hidden this because I'm almost certain these weirdos are lurking here and we want to encourage them ;)
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