I'm stepping down


Sr Member
Member DIN
I am voluntarily stepping down from my 405th staff roles. It has brought me so much joy to be given the opportunity to serve the community, but I must face some truths. I have had some shifts of availability and priorities in my personal life the last year and as I reflect back and compare my goals/intentions for the role and what I was actually able to accomplish, there is a gap between the two that does not sit well with me... as I'm sure many of those waiting for deployment would agree. I have full faith in the new team members (e.g. mnkr) to deliver on member needs, so I'm stepping aside to give the space for them to blossom.

- Ranger

(I'm not leaving the 405th)
I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that I'm so thankful for all you've done for this community. I'm glad you'll still be hangin' around, even if it's in a non-staff capacity. I wish you all the best! I'll see you around
Holy ••••...

You've done so much for so many. I but I totally respect the need to take time for yourself, your life, your family etc.
Glad to hear you're not leaving the 405th.
Thank you for everything!!!
Thank you for the years you've spent supporting the community, both as staff and not. Add another to that list of glad you're sticking around even after you step down as staff. Looking forward to seeing you at cons and whatever comes next in your journey.
As I told Random - the door is ALWAYS open for him should there be time in his schedule again. Everyone only has so much time to do all the things, and I'm always so proud when a staff member is able to make that hard decision to step down and hopefully giving them a little more time for fun stuff.

Thank you RandomRanger - it's been an honour.

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