Papa’s next project


Member DIN
So I’m putting together a plan for my next costume I don’t want to spoil what it is until I’ve finished it I’ll drop details here and there but nothing specific,
I’ve started a budget for what resources I’m gonna have to buy, mostly looking at Amazon,
So far looking roughly around $177+ not bad for a budget but then comes the helmet which is gonna be another $160, not quite a fan of that but it is being commissioned so I’ll take it.

For the first bit of the build I’ll be focusing on the undetrsuit, I haven’t really ever focused on an undersuit for costumes, mostly worn black multicam shirt and pants however this build needs a little more than that, so im either about to save $60 by dying an old flight suit or I’m gonna have to buy a new one, I’ve never dyed clothes before but I’ll definitely post my “how to” if it works, worst case my green flight suit is no longer green,

Second, after the undersuit ordeal is done I want to focus on strapping, currently the only thing on my ODST costume for strapping is the shoulder and boots, well this costume I’m doing has a lot of straps, going everywhere (I’ll deny whatever guess you have), anyways for strapping I’ve learned they don’t have to have a purpose but rather just a cosmetic, I’ll have to run a few straps to hold the armor and the rest to fit the look.

third, the minor details, i have yet to find a file for this thigh attachment but the nice thing, i think i can use foam to make it, remember this is a build that’s going to be a bit of secret until its finished.

The armor itself is going to be 3D printed, i may consider foam here and there, and ive looked into making some metal bits that I’ll ask a buddy about.

Questions I have for others to help me figure out,

1. I have yet to figure how but I’d like to have an AR be able to magnetize to my back, the only issue this armor doesn’t exactly have good placement for magnets (no spoilers)

2. I’ve got an idea for this one but I want to paint a decal rather then using a sticker, I think a stencil will work

3. Electronics, I want to at hear, talk and breath/clear visor, all I need is a couple of good fans but in regards to hearing and talking, I have no idea how to do that(I wonder where I can find tips for that) edit: adding links that could help me later Simple Helmet Speaker System

In the mean time I’m going to continue working on my plan for this next project, and if you already know what it is then uh don’t spoil!!!!
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Electronics, I want to at hear, talk and breath/clear visor, all I need is a couple of good fans but in regards to hearing and talking, I have no idea how to do that(I wonder where I can find tips for that)
I'm currently working on upgrading all this in my helmet! For hearing assistance, I followed this tutorial. Works a treat! For talking, I bought a voice amplification kit from amazon. It's just a little mic and speaker. I glued the mic to the inside of the helmet, and put the speaker in the chest piece. Mine is wired, but I've just recently purchased a wireless one that works quite nicely!

I'm also currently in the process of adding two blower fans to the helmet. I'm just using 5V blower fans powered from a USB battery bank. Hopefully I'll have schematics at some point so you can see how I wire it all up.
How did you guess??? :0
Season 2 Puzzle GIF by Paramount+
I made a circuit diagram for how I'm going to do the electronics in my build thread
I made a circuit diagram for how I'm going to do the electronics in my build thread
I’ll take a peak at it but I appreciate you sharing
Alright in regards to an undersuit I’m experimenting with dye, I’ve decided a flight suit would be good to wear with the rakshasa armor so I dyed my flight suit black


Once the suit is done drying I’ll see how it looks then but for now I have a black flight suit!

The dying process started with me filling a bin with boiling hot water (my shower can reach that heat).
Then I poured two bottles of dye into the bin, make sure to follow instructions! After that i tossed the flight suit in and instantly turned black, then did the process the instructions listed, after that i left it to hang dry!
Your shower can reach boiling temperatures? can it make lava? I don't like lava...….......................... how did you maintain the higher temps when dying the clothes? and did you only do one dying session or multiple?

I Hate Sand

Looks good, if you used some UV resin you could cover up the scratches and stuff, unless you're going for a kind of scuffed look, I can respect it.
What method did you go with for painting it?
I started with filler primer and painted and sanded until I felt the print was smooth enough, I repeated this process many times on the ONE PIECE, after smoothing I did a layer of silver paint and then did a layer of the coloring I wanted and then finally ended the process with sanding away the color layers to show the silver
I started with filler primer and painted and sanded until I felt the print was smooth enough, I repeated this process many times on the ONE PIECE, after smoothing I did a layer of silver paint and then did a layer of the coloring I wanted and then finally ended the process with sanding away the color layers to show the silver
That's a lot of sanding, but thanks!

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