Post your christmas ideas here!

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New Member
Post whatever christmas ideas you can think of ranging from armor decorations to odd christmas wishes and lists!

TwinAces! Woo Hoo!
For gifts,

Assassin's Creed
maybe Call of duty 4
Maybe Link's M6D :p

Some Halo figurines.

And I'll try myself for the iPod touch
I wont be getting much now I work, have money, and all, but i am looking to buy myself a ps3 bundle at meijers, I got a coupon which makes buying a ps3, controller, and a game, all the price of 384$ plus tax...cheaper than a 40gig, but you get more!

and maybe a ipod touch by next summer...
My ipod video got fubared when i dropped it yesterday. Getting it replaced friday and selling it to my older brother. Then ill save a bit more and get a 16 gig touch. heck, i dont even have 16 gigs worth of music =/
drgon47 said:
My ipod video got fubared when i dropped it yesterday. Getting it replaced friday and selling it to my older brother. Then ill save a bit more and get a 16 gig touch. heck, i dont even have 16 gigs worth of music =/
Wait for the touch2, probably will have more memory for the base model, look at all the previous ipods, they slowly got more and more gigs of storage as the year models passed...
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Me, for the Youtube fonction. So usefull. You can watch Adam's slushcasting vid, while your slushcasting your pieces :p
Yeah, and it don't eat memory on your HDD. I think I'll even buy the 8gig. I'm not a huge music fan. I listen to like 5 groups and that's all.

(Rise Against FTW)
Only problem with wifi on is that your battery life will suck even worse for video, if you get 5 hours of video play without wifi on, with wifi, you probably only get 3-4.
This is all great stuff you guys, i've been wondering, it takes alot more time than i thought it would cutting and folding.

What do i want 4 christmas?

Xbox 360
Pro Camera
Halo 2/3 Helmet Mold
Extra Stuff!
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