Preskewl's Pep Armor.. (completed)

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Aeon Psych said:
sprry to go a tad offtopic, but my account wont let me create new topics/threads

what is pepakura armor? and how is it different from molding?

also great job with it, and for when your making your next set or w/e, get a more reflective visor :)

1. You need 50 post as the very talented Vexona stated.
2. Pep is made from pre-printed folds on card stock. Mold came from a mold of mother molded piece of armor.
3. And yes, this is the best you can do with the reflective visor.. And Vexona pointed it out that flash will let you penetrate unless you add some window tint on the inside.. That's too extreme for me, Also.. This is an SB helmet with all the customs pieces added to it.. I just re-did the LEDS but this is all his handy work..

Vexona said:
(You can't make new topics in the creation discussions until you have 50 posts (see the very first sticky in the noobie forum).
Read the Pepakura forum stickies at the top of the board if you don't understand what it is. You'll find all the basic questions have already been answered and organized there. If you need to ask random questions you ought to do that in the noobie forum (where you are allowed to create threads in the meantime) instead of redirecting someone else's finished armor thread. =\ If you post in the right place people will be willing to help you.)

His visor is completely reflective. Mirrored motorcycle visors (and any 1-way mirror) will look slightly transparent when exposed to a bright light, like a camera's flash. That's as reflective as you can get honestly. I like that he went the distance and did the dual layer visor, which looks very flashy and nice :) It's worth that extra effort.

mmm smancy.

Vexona you are awesome.. Thanks for pointing this out to the new person on the team. You sure know your stuff and give you so much credit as an artist who created her own armor.. KUDOS TO YOU!!! HAPPY HOLIDAY TO YA :D
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Credit given where it's due, sir!

Indeed it's about to be the Holidays! Oh I can't wait to make Arbiter shaped Christmas cookies. Er well if they don't turn out right I'll say it's flood cookies...

Mmm plasma frosting...

(I should eat breakfast before I post :p)
Vexona said:
Credit given where it's due, sir!

Indeed it's about to be the Holidays! Oh I can't wait to make Arbiter shaped Christmas cookies. Er well if they don't turn out right I'll say it's flood cookies...

Mmm plasma frosting...

(I should eat breakfast before I post :p)

Aww your so nice! :D .. Wow, Flood cookies sounds awesome.. Just cover the cookie full of chocolate, once you bite into it.. It will burst with more flavor.. YUMMY!! :lol:

zeke6785 said:
great lookin armor im worin on my very first pep armor as we speak ill post pics ASAP

THANK YOU!! And goodluck.. Don't get discourage and keep pressing on if you hit the wall.. Believe me, so many times I wanted to quit!! But, it's worth it in the end.. (y)
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Zaso117 said:
couldn't even tell it was pep! nice job

Thanks.. There is about a gallon and a half of bondo filler on there LOL.. You should have seen the dust cloud while sanding..

Toftt Nightmare said:
Good job man, did you cut a hole in the jaw piece to stick a straw through to drink beer at the party ? :lol:

Hhaha Sad to say, I was sober through the party.. Being too tipsy, I would have fallen over and couldn't get up !! :lol:
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Man, very nice armour. I'm making a second set myself, and I think I'm going to try your technique, (Guaging the response given to yours, :p).

Very nice.

HazZarD said:
Man, very nice armour. I'm making a second set myself, and I think I'm going to try your technique, (Guaging the response given to yours, :p).

Very nice.


Thanks for the compliment. I know there are others out there that is way better then mine. I'm actually flattered for the response of my armor.. Well, it's going to go under transformation during this winter time... I can actually take my time and do what I really wanted to do without that rush.. My materials should be delivered today and work begins.. :D
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AF200XL said:
oh didnt no he sold them.... how much did that run ya?? :cool:

I would talk to the master himself Sean to find out.. PM him.. ;)

cheech92007 said:
amazing suit preskewl. has to be the best on the site!!

That is nice of you!! There are alot more amazing work out there.. I'm just happy to own one!! :)
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