Preventing Warping

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Jr Member
Hey there 405th, its been a real long while since I posted an update, I haven't really worked hard on my suit at all in the last month or two. I got back to work recently, and even after putting in supports, my bicep warped pretty bad. The part that covers the shoulder warped inwards towards the bicep, and I don't think theres a way for me to fix it, looks like it'll be a redo.



Everyone always talks about using cardboard supports, I was wondering if someone could literally show me where I should put the supports so stuff like this doesnt happen. What techniques do some of you use to prevent warping like this?

Thanks a bunch guys!
You could try adding popsicle sticks to the existing supports on the next one. The hd shoulder piece looks like it has enough supports by default but that longer one that goes up the shoulder could use some reinforcement. At what point are you removing the supports? I try to keep as many as possible on and fiberglass around them.
That doesn't look too bad. Next time try some random support stuff, like sticks, clothes hangers, lol. To prevent warping in some of my pieces, I've actually used cut clothes hangers with great results.
I actually cut and shape lengths of hotwire (electrified wire fencing usually used in livestock applications), which is sturdier than a coathanger but still bent easily enough.
I'd like some pointers on adding supports as well, since I plan to resin later today. I'm starting with a shoulder,but still I don't want anything to warp if I can prevent it.
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