ODST Helmet/Newb Problem Advice? (Warping+Bondo/Rondo)

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New Member
I have 3 major problems with my ODST Rookie helmet. I wouldn't be caught dead making these mistakes today. Any unhealthy methods (for this piece, like sitting it up) have been ceased. I was hoping to find some advice for right them! If you can help me with just one, I'd be very grateful!

http://s1254.beta.photobucket.com/user/zgSHADOW/library/ODST Helmet Flaws?

Picture 1: This is the biggest problem with this helmet. I ran out of resin long ago, only covering the top area fully, and the bottom area lightly or none at all. I rested the helmet right side up, not noticing it ruined the back until it was too late. Is it worth cutting off and replacing? Is there anyway I could salvage this mess?

Picture 2: Near the edge ID's 714 and 715, the edge depressed down. I lost this edge during the resin coating. How hard would it be to recreate it with Bondo/Rondo?

Picture 3: Going with Picture 1, the bottom part is weaker. Over time, it pressed down on the bottom, making the bottom-front of the helmet wider. Will I have to resort to holding it closer while resin dries?
You put wayyy to much resin on. The problem is the resin attacks the paper, causing it to sink in certain areas. you have to be SUPER cautious when applying to certain areas. one thing you can do it cut off the small section with a dremel, and replace with new pieces you can reprint and make. you do not need to do the whole helmet, but just that area. then hot glue or fiberglass back into place. Good luck man!!
What weight paper did you use? I use 110 Lb and it's never failed me. if you use a weaker paper, it'll sop up the paper before it hardens as well.
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What weight paper did you use? I use 110 Lb and it's never failed me. if you use a weaker paper, it'll sop up the paper before it hardens as well.

Actually, I used the typical letter size paper. It's just that I'm not sure of the purpose of heavier paper when the pepakura stage won't last very long (because it's succeeded by the resin stage, etc). I know the properties of resin a lot more now, but it's too late to take this helmet's coat back.
Actually, I used the typical letter size paper. It's just that I'm not sure of the purpose of heavier paper when the pepakura stage won't last very long (because it's succeeded by the resin stage, etc). I know the properties of resin a lot more now, but it's too late to take this helmet's coat back.

If you use a lighter weight paper, it won't be able to hold it's shape when it's soaked in resin. You have to remember, that the pep is still the core of the helmet, and the better you can make the helmet in that stage, the less work you have to do in the resin/bondo stage to correct your mistakes.
Looking over your pics I would say just build a new one. Your going to spend more time and materials trying to fix this one then you'd use building a new one. Just look at it as a lesson learned, we've all made mistakes and had to start over.
if you set a piece of paper in water, it becomes wet and flimsy, right? the same holds true to pep models when you resin, it soaks up the liquid and becomes weaker before it hardens into plastic, so you will want a paper grade that is thick, like 110 Lb, so you can give it a little consideration. thicker paper won't limp up as quick. Good luck.
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