Printing Tips

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New Member
Hey guys,

My friend and I are on our way to being done with our helmets and our next step is our chest pieces. This is our first chest, so we found a pretty simple Pep file with pretty large pieces, which is good except for the fact that most of them are larger than 8.5x14 which is the largest size paper our printer takes. Does anyone go to a place that will download the pep software and print the files for you. We really do not want to have to print them on separate papers and stick two parts of the same piece together. We have been to Copymax and a couple other places, and no one will download the software to print the files, so does anyone know any place that would do this, or has anyone gone to a place to do this. Any help at all is appreciated!

Thanks for all of your help!!!
??? The default size for most pepakura files is 8.5 x 11. I believe you are referring to A4 size in UK. If the printer tells you that it is the wrong size paper when you print, then all you need to do is change the paper setting in Pepakura. You will need to move the pieces after you change the paper setting and that you require pepakura designer. Some pep pieces do overlap to multiple pages. You can use Pepakura designer to break them. If you can't then just print them and stick them at the edge by overlaping the page. Going forward please use the sticky on pepakura in the noob section for your questions on pepakura.
Almost all unfolds are made so that the pieces don't go over the edge of a single A4 piece of card (I assume this is the 8.5" x 11" you mentioned). If the have been, or need to be enlarged and you dont know how to unfold them yourself, i would recommend using Pepakura designer to move the pieces so that as few overlap as possible, and then print it off.

I had to add about another 20% to my CQC shoulders, but managed to let only 4 edges overlap. When printed, cut a straight line though one side, and on the other, make your own tabs (And a seperate tab when attaching tabs to eachother). Here's what I did:

Thanks for the responses guys! I was actually talking about Legal size 8.5x14, because we changed the paper settings in Pepakura to reduce the amount overlapping pieces, but we were trying to make no overlapping pieces at all, so we were thinking there might be a place that prints on a larger cardstock so we wouldn't have to worry about overlapping pieces. Unfortunately it sounds like there is not, but thanks for all the help!! I did not know that pepakura would automatically make them so you do not lose any space on the overlapped pieces so that was very helpful Shadow of Intent, Thanks!!!
Thanks for the responses guys! I was actually talking about Legal size 8.5x14, because we changed the paper settings in Pepakura to reduce the amount overlapping pieces, but we were trying to make no overlapping pieces at all, so we were thinking there might be a place that prints on a larger cardstock so we wouldn't have to worry about overlapping pieces. Unfortunately it sounds like there is not, but thanks for all the help!! I did not know that pepakura would automatically make them so you do not lose any space on the overlapped pieces so that was very helpful Shadow of Intent, Thanks!!!

You can almost always avoid multi-page pieces by just splitting them. Use the join-/disjoin function for that.
Great explanation image, Shadow Of Intent, for what to do when you can't use the join/dis-join function.
I wasn't aware there was a join/disjoin function! I'd probably still use my method to save the time of creating a split and adjusting the tab size.

I was actually talking about Legal size 8.5x14
Ahh... I remember now. Legal is same width as A4 but slightly longer, and breaking the traditional √2 ratio between sizes!
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