Reach: An Lt Wip

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Well, you don't have to wait long... UPDATE!!! So I get some nice surprises in the mail yesterday today. My stuff came in from Texas, so my helmet and etc are finally here in Utah. We had a nice day today, it was in the 40s or so, and I got the black areas masked off and layed down the dark grey, I used a metallic finish. I did goof on one side of the helm, I got a little close and heavy, I will buff it down and lay over it with the light grey. Thank goodness its not in a spot that is dark grey. I also had a nice little visit from the mail man. Smooth on sent some stuff my way today. So I now have the gallon kit of Dragon Skin 10 Fast, and the gallon kit of Smooth Cast 320. Wahoo!!! so if this weather keeps up, I may be able to wrap up the mold this weekend!!!!! I am just waiting for the last few soft spots to dry/cure on the paint then I will mask the dark grey and shoot the light grey, its also metallic. And here's the pics:



Can you see my little goof?


Let me know what y'all think!

PS, Thank you so much for you words of encouragement, they really make a big difference! I have been going nuts waiting for the stuff to show up in the mail so I could get yall some updates. Nox, I look forward to seeing how yours turns out! I would take a peak at MrOreo123s unfold, it is really nice!
WOW, Nice looking... I shudder to think how much the dragon skin and smoothcast cost... Lol...

Keep forging through it! Lol.

Cheers, Dave.
Nothing I can't add to the compliments that hasn't already been spoken for! Amazing work!

I'm sure I'll say you caught me off guard with this. There's a few really great and talented people comming out of the wood work. Keep at it, you gotz skill!
Yeah, the bubbly spot at the base of the visor is the goof. I sanded it out and painted it again. I finished up the paint, and when I was pulling up the painters tape, some of the baser coats came up. Lets just say I was not exactly excited. I sanded them out, and have layed down a few more coats of color. I will wrap up the paint tomorrow. It still needs a black wash, a white wash, and the UNSC on the sides, as well as the yellow and red triangles. I'm just hoping nothing else goes wrong. Here's some pics.

masked dark


after painting light, prepped for dark on top.


Mostly done



A lot of the seams between the light and dark greys are hard to see because of the angle, it should be more obvious after the black and white washes.
Wow that is an exceptional build. I didn't know anybody had gotten that far with rundown's model (especially in winter!) The first I've seen, and I'm betting it will be the one of the best (if not the best.) I can't wait till you add the visor attachment!

Fantastic job, Mr. McClain!

BTW: are you planning on a full suit in time for the game's release date?
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