Returning Spartan, what did I miss?

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Active Member
Hey all!

Old dog here. Joined up in 2009 to build my first cosplay, a Mark V Spartan from H3. Turned out super well for the time, using the ol' pepakura, resin, bondo builds, and thought it was time to update him. Looking likely to build up from 3d printing, picked up a few files from some great modelers.

I look forward to exploring the plethora of amazing builds, WIPs and community members.

Welcome back!! Crazy to think, when you made you first suit, I was 6 years old XD You're a true OG!
Haha, dated myself pretty hard didn't I?

Definitely a "back in my day" moment, but I found the 405th randomly. I started basing my whole kit on an old old old blog post where someone did a build for Halo 2's midnight release in New York, but then stumbled on the 405th and many pepakura files. My friend group managed to put together some ODST kits from those and we had a five-man squad on Halloween 2009.

Working on a proper OSDT kit with Galactic Armory's files and hoping to snag files for the new Halo CE Mark V that just dropped in Infinite.
As someone who made just a helmet from pep and bondo, you are a stronger man than I. big props for how well that suit looks given the medium and time.
I would love to do an H3 mp suit, but there have been so many other variants since 2007 :lol: .

I got the Halo Infinite yellow/blue coating code from the same Funko, so I think it'd be fun to do the base-ish mp armour or some addons. You don't see too many Halo Wars suits out in the wild either and their beefy-ness is definitely tempting. Then I have my ODST to finish and maybe a full on Infinite Mark V CE would be tons of fun.

People love the armours in general, but I think it'll be fun to have a Master Chief one in my "armoury."

(Btw, how do you change your regiment in the profile? I would fall under the Canadian one)
I would love to do an H3 mp suit, but there have been so many other variants since 2007 :lol: .

I got the Halo Infinite yellow/blue coating code from the same Funko, so I think it'd be fun to do the base-ish mp armour or some addons. You don't see too many Halo Wars suits out in the wild either and their beefy-ness is definitely tempting. Then I have my ODST to finish and maybe a full on Infinite Mark V CE would be tons of fun.

People love the armours in general, but I think it'll be fun to have a Master Chief one in my "armoury."

(Btw, how do you change your regiment in the profile? I would fall under the Canadian one)
I’m the same way, so hard to decide what to build where’s so many cool suits! Definitely gonna do an Infinite Mk V CE after my current build, it just looks soooo good!

Yay! Another Canadian! Regiment membership forum is here: Regiment membership - please all read
You already meet the requirements, so just let them know what regiment you want to be in and you’re set! Fair warning, may take a few weeks or a few days, just sayin.
I’m the same way, so hard to decide what to build where’s so many cool suits! Definitely gonna do an Infinite Mk V CE after my current build, it just looks soooo good!

Yay! Another Canadian! Regiment membership forum is here: Regiment membership - please all read
You already meet the requirements, so just let them know what regiment you want to be in and you’re set! Fair warning, may take a few weeks or a few days, just sayin.
Will do! I don't have a suit as of yet, but meet the 90 days (joined in 2009 :lol:) and my post count is 78, though they don't seem to be searchable. Maybe the site moved servers over the years?

I'll start up a WIP post once I get full tilt on a suit:cool: so no rush.
Welcome back! As someone who's newer to the group, it always amazes me seeing how costumes were done way back when. Major props to anyone who's managed to do old-school Pepakura; if it wasn't for later methods like foam and printing, I wouldn't be here.

Speaking of which, lots of things have been added in the time between 09 and now. 3D printing is one of the bigger methods nowadays, and since you've indicated that you're interested in pursuing it, I highly recommend taking a look at the Free 3D Model Index and the "I Wish I Knew" threads. The first is self-explanatory: it's a compilation of 3D models the community has made that anyone can access for free. The second has some tips and tricks that may be very useful to you as they are to current printer-users. There's also the "What's your Printer?" thread, in case you're looking for recommendations and want to see what machines are popular among other members.

Another big resource that you might find useful is the Halo Infinite Spartan Pack. There's a discord server called the Halo Archive that hosts all types of in-game models ripped straight from the games, set-up and ready for use in Blender. People have been using the Spartan Pack to create game-accurate mockups of their characters as a way to illustrate how everything's going to look before starting the IRL process. You can find a tutorial video on the process as well as a link to the pack in this thread, though I'd also recommend joining the Archive server itself as the pack has been heavily revised since.

I hope you found these resources useful. Good luck on your next project!
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