Scope help.

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I ended up buying and keeping the s32p crossman stinger shotgun for airsoft.
It is omfg accurate, with 350fps, spring powered for that cool racking the barrel per shot, 17 shot clip (Not THAT bad), comes with a loader for it, and works cleanly and well.
The site said 30 bucks for it at dicks but ended up being 40 for some reason :?

Anyway it has a part where I can slap on a scope at the top. But I dont know what scope to get.
Anyone mind posting links and some reviews on it?
CemreTas said:
I ended up buying and keeping the s32p crossman stinger shotgun for airsoft.
It is omfg accurate, with 350fps, spring powered for that cool racking the barrel per shot, 17 shot clip (Not THAT bad), comes with a loader for it, and works cleanly and well.
The site said 30 bucks for it at dicks but ended up being 40 for some reason :?

Anyway it has a part where I can slap on a scope at the top. But I dont know what scope to get.
Anyone mind posting links and some reviews on it?
link for dick's?
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A scope on a shotgun is like a scope on a super soaker. A scope will only work if you know the gun works at long ranges, a shotgun will only be accurate and hit for 20-30 feet or less. A scope is meant for like 200 feet away. What you see in your scope will not be hit by the shotgun.

The gun says 350fps, but it will not go 350feet, that means how fast it goes, not how far.
Yes I know that the kinetic energy gained by the spring equaling 1.2 joules will not carry over the entire distance and will lose power. The shotgun has a maximum distance of 150 feet, At that distance it goes down by 7 inches.
At 15 feet the shot arcs up then returns to normal at 22 feet.

Also its the darndest thing. They no longer show the s32p stinger by crossman at the dicks.
I suppose you should just google or youtube it if you want an idea.
Also its full black, not that clear crap.
Instead of starting something I'll just tell you what you need to know. Get a reflex scope, its the best for shotguns, and close range.
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