Se7enheads' Cqb

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Okay, so some details added. I'm afraid to cut the interesting recessed shape out from the sides. I tried once already and it was awful. Just wanted to throw out recent activity. Almost there!!! Though it now appears, after loking at the photos, that one shape is a bit longer than the other (on the side, above vents) anyone care to concur?​
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box o crayons said:
freakin amazing and to tell the truth i can find the peice that is longer
It's just the shape I carved. It looks off to me. Maybe not! Thanks
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Very nice man, its crazy, your first post was 5 days ago and youre already further along than I am on mine, and ive been working on mine for like a month and a half. Speaking of which, what did you use for the details in the back part and the small part above the visor? Im at the point where i want to add them but dont know what to use.
L3X BLU3R1V3R said:
Very nice man, its crazy, your first post was 5 days ago and youre already further along than I am on mine, and ive been working on mine for like a month and a half. Speaking of which, what did you use for the details in the back part and the small part above the visor? Im at the point where i want to add them but dont know what to use.
Being without employment has only the luxury of spending more time doing this. Heh. I used mat board for the details. I figured it would be easier than cutting away excess to form them from bondo, so I just mudded over them, and voila! There is a Robogenesis .pdo that has the detail for the front and back available. I wish I would have found that before I made my own. Then it might look a bit more accurate. boo, me. :(
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Ooh lala! It looks amazing!
Your recon helm looks amazing too! I think I'll be making a recon after my scout...
Socket said:
Ooh lala! It looks amazing!
Your recon helm looks amazing too! I think I'll be making a recon after my scout...
Thanks, Socket. How's that Scout coming?

Here's an update. Sorry for the lack of progress pics, but Just laid the black and red base. Noticed some pretty nasty warp on the right side of the helm (left, in picture) that might make for trouble when it comes visor time. Ugh...
But I dig the colors. Sorry about the incessant rubbish picture quality. My camera sucks, and my cell phone, as you can see, sucks more. Heh.


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thats awesome, once again hope im gettin my printer soon. old dell ones a peice of crap, but due to (maybe) new printer, i should be starting progress on my armor soon :p
Thanks guys! I should be getting some more primer tomorrow, so I can add the weathering. I used Rustomleum gloss red and flat black.




There it all it's damaged glory. I added a helluva lot more battle damage this time around. I wanted it to look like it's seen a few battles, kinda like my Scout, but a degree more. I really like the smooth glossy start alot, but it just didn't grab me. So I fell back on the "beat to hell" look. Sorry for the rubbish picture quality again. I'll add more shots in the sun tomorrow.
Paint is pretty much done. I still have to fashion some kind of workable vent for both sides, but that should come shortly. Otherwise, all that's left is visor (not looking forward to that) and padding. Any additional electronics may come later. My friend suggested adding a led to the center portion of the helm, where the detail is. It doesn't exist in game, but what do y'all think? Seems possible...and potentially neato lookin'...
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I think an led where the detail is would really set it off. Or possibly a short "light bar" would look really nice there also.
Nice work se7enheads! With all the CQB builds going on it would be very cool to see a huge group of 405th CQB's all at some con.

Oh, and my idea for adding LED's. Might look good in those two little dents on the front detail.

Either that or a light bar inside the rectangular part of the detail. How about a cylon moving light strip?
im with the light bar but great looking helm

EDIT: the only problem that i see is that it looks like the damage is all on the red not on the black.
Dude you rock!!

That CQB looks awsome.

Wonder what kind of visor you will need for this bad boy?

Jeez, that's alot of damage. It's like someone burned it and then stepped on it...Except then it would be crushed...nvm lol.

My scout's alright. I odn't have enough mone for a visor so im looking for alternatives. And I used too much bondo. :p
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