Hey guys,
First off, great forum; everybody seems so nice and there's a lot of very knowledgeable folks around. Usually gaming boards have such a high level of testosterone, helmet bashing, war cries... And what have you. Anyways, I'm a pepakura hobbyist coming around looking to try the Mjolnir armor since I've never done a full scale wearable suit and I ♥ Halo (or at least Combat Evolved since I haven't got any consoles). I've got some questions:<ul>[*]Do you think I could get this done in a month and if not, how long would it take approximately?[*]What processing would be appropriate for a costume piece? I'm looking to use 110lb cardstock, resin, and fibre-glass. I'm not using it for airsoft or paintball so it's not likely to take much abuse. I want it sturdy enough to not crumple under poking and prodding but it doesn't have to be able to withstand the FIST OF AN ANGRY GOD or equivalent force.[*]Has anyone done rubber footing or something similar so that they can walk around? I'll be going around on tile and concrete so I don't want the feet to wear down or slip.[*]From doing a forum search, I would project a cost of around $60-80, is this a good estimate? Being the starving student that I am I'm looking for this to cost under $100 in total.[*]What's the difference between single and double visor?[/list]That's all I can think of right now but if I run into any problems I'm prone to come back and pester you guys again thanks for you patience!
First off, great forum; everybody seems so nice and there's a lot of very knowledgeable folks around. Usually gaming boards have such a high level of testosterone, helmet bashing, war cries... And what have you. Anyways, I'm a pepakura hobbyist coming around looking to try the Mjolnir armor since I've never done a full scale wearable suit and I ♥ Halo (or at least Combat Evolved since I haven't got any consoles). I've got some questions:<ul>[*]Do you think I could get this done in a month and if not, how long would it take approximately?[*]What processing would be appropriate for a costume piece? I'm looking to use 110lb cardstock, resin, and fibre-glass. I'm not using it for airsoft or paintball so it's not likely to take much abuse. I want it sturdy enough to not crumple under poking and prodding but it doesn't have to be able to withstand the FIST OF AN ANGRY GOD or equivalent force.[*]Has anyone done rubber footing or something similar so that they can walk around? I'll be going around on tile and concrete so I don't want the feet to wear down or slip.[*]From doing a forum search, I would project a cost of around $60-80, is this a good estimate? Being the starving student that I am I'm looking for this to cost under $100 in total.[*]What's the difference between single and double visor?[/list]That's all I can think of right now but if I run into any problems I'm prone to come back and pester you guys again thanks for you patience!