Space Marine Primaris Helmet

Thats a pain. Sorry.

If you do get it back up, my advice is to include a blow up of the helmet with all the pieces separated out. As a maker it lets me know what I'm getting into and the quality of the design.
Thats a pain. Sorry.

If you do get it back up, my advice is to include a blow up of the helmet with all the pieces separated out. As a maker it lets me know what I'm getting into and the quality of the design.
Good point, thanks for the advice, I'll definitely look to render an exploded view when I have time!

Sorry for the delay, I was away last week for my birthday :)
After 'careful consideration' (an immediate, automated response to my appeal) Etsy have decided not to reinstate my account, so i've made a gumroad account and will be selling the files there!

Here's the link:

If anyone does decide to pick up the files, please do let me know what you think!
I'm always open to feedback, especially if it's something I can implement in whatever my next project is :)
Good point, thanks for the advice, I'll definitely look to render an exploded view when I have time!

Sorry for the delay, I was away last week for my birthday :)
After 'careful consideration' (an immediate, automated response to my appeal) Etsy have decided not to reinstate my account, so i've made a gumroad account and will be selling the files there!

Here's the link:

If anyone does decide to pick up the files, please do let me know what you think!
I'm always open to feedback, especially if it's something I can implement in whatever my next project is :)
Hey man! First off, this helmet is absolutely's great! You've printed it on a filament printer, how would it fair on a resin printer do you reckon? I've got a printer with a fairly largish build plate, Anycubic Photon Mono 5s, but I'm fairly new to printing so I don't know if files are transferable between FDM/SLA.

Edit: I bought the file! The only issue I had with it when importing it into lychee is that it is infinitesimally small. When I import it at 100% scale it is X:0.28mm Y:0.35mm Z:0.21mm. This means I'm having to go in and scale up all the pieces and I'm not entirely sure its going to fit together first time XD


  • helmetlychee.JPG
    44.5 KB · Views: 63
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Hey man! First off, this helmet is absolutely's great! You've printed it on a filament printer, how would it fair on a resin printer do you reckon? I've got a printer with a fairly largish build plate, Anycubic Photon Mono 5s, but I'm fairly new to printing so I don't know if files are transferable between FDM/SLA.

Edit: I bought the file! The only issue I had with it when importing it into lychee is that it is infinitesimally small. When I import it at 100% scale it is X:0.28mm Y:0.35mm Z:0.21mm. This means I'm having to go in and scale up all the pieces and I'm not entirely sure its going to fit together first time XD
Hey Lotes!
Thanks for the kind words. I don't have a resin printer so I can't say for sure - but as far as my knowledge goes, I've seen people printing full scale helmets in resin so it's definitely possible! Might be worth looking online for tutorials there.

As for the scale, it is 'to scale' (as in, I've modelled it based on the print fitting my head with no re-scaling) but may be a decimal point or two off depending on what software you are using.
What I mean is that the modelling software i'm using appears to export it's objects scaled down to a factor of 0.001 (so try scaling it up by 100000%)

I have scale issues with OBJ model format all the time (I work in games) which is why we tend to use FBX format at work, but i decided to provide OBJs as that's what most slicing software can work with.
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This is awesome to see come together. I plan on building an entire primaris armor suit later this year with EVA, but I was hoping I’d be able to find a quality helmet to 3D print, and here we are.
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