Spartan Buck armor (Halo 5)

Atom Dark

New Member
hi there!
I based in Arizona, I'm really new to this style of crafting(But not a noob),
and looking for a ODST (HALO 5) spartan Buck's
armor pattern.(with some changes to make my own). can't wait to get started..

thank you so much,


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Here are the Armory entries we have for the Halo 5 "Hell Jumper" armor, which Buck wears in the campaign. It has the whole armor in Foam optimized files, however it is all in one file, so, it might be a little confusing. We do have the Helmet and Chest as individual files, but the rest, armor and legs, are all in one pep file. We are limited by what files folks are willing to freely donate for the rest of the community to use free of charge, but you might be able to get someone to help you separate all the rest of the pieces for ease of use.

If you are more interested in going with 3D printing, we only have files for his helmet available:

We currently do not have any free STLs for the rest of Buck's armor, however, we do have an Armory entry for Buck that has his armor in .OBJ which you might be able to get some help converting into printable STL files:

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