Spartan1313's Agent Maine (RvB)

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I Finished all the aesthetic components of Season 9 Agent Maine!


Now I need to make things more stable/comfortable to wear.


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The Meta Armor is complete! I have strapped it all together with some velcro and it is amazing. I changed the shoulders so that they just hang by some velcro over the biceps. This looks better, is stronger, and gives me full maneuverability. The only thing is that they tend to flap around a little, but that is a small price to pay. I am also glad because I am able to suit up entirely without assistance, which is a plus.

Now to move on to the helmet...


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Hey now! that look really comfortable to wear! nice job :)
White armor is hard to make it look right. I personally like it because it shows the details better
and now for the trusty HELMEEEEEEETTT!!!

Indeed. And on that front there is news as well. so, I have 2 weeks until the con, which will severely influence my work now. I resined my EVA helmet inside and out, making it reasonably strong. Now I sanded it down as best as i could to eliminate the edges (sort of), and covered it with plastidip.


It is really light and plenty sturdy. I wish I could do it justice but I am really being pressed to move along already by my parents. (who really are not fans of this whole Cosplay thing) Anyway, I am going to use the details on the helmet as my clear areas for seeing, and paint the rest. The good thing about this approach is that it will be very light (less than 1 lb right now) and so should be very comfortable.


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I think your armor looks very good :)
Keep up the good work. Sorry to hear that your parents are not really into the whole cosplay thing. maybe they will come around once they see how much it can be :)
best of luck
Well I made the body of my Bruteshot out of EVA foam. It is not totally accurate, but it is pretty darn close. It feels way smaller that I expected it to be for some reason, but I know the scale is correct. I guess the blade will fix that.



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It looks good! I'm sure once you get the blade and barrel on there, it'll look/feel much bigger.
As long as the scale is correct it will be fine. I think people who make there guns actual size are a bit silly if they are wearing spartan armour.. *cough* DFT *cough*
As long as the scale is correct it will be fine. I think people who make there guns actual size are a bit silly if they are wearing spartan armour.. *cough* DFT *cough*

He seems to do it more for bragging rights than anything else... and I think he prefers the ODST kit over his spartan kit, so the scale is OK for him.
He seems to do it more for bragging rights than anything else... and I think he prefers the ODST kit over his spartan kit, so the scale is OK for him.

Yeah he is a bit full if himself. He also has a spartan4 suit I've seen. The thing that bugs me most about him is that he's from the same place I am. I'm need to keep the smug levels down so I don't end up like him. Haha
Yeah he is a bit full if himself. He also has a spartan4 suit I've seen. The thing that bugs me most about him is that he's from the same place I am. I'm need to keep the smug levels down so I don't end up like him. Haha

I have seen the spartan 4 suit too, but not as much. it doesn't seem to have gotten as much love as his other stuff.

On a different note nice rogue armor in that video. I love how you are totally chill and everyone just kinda stares.
Yeah he is a bit full if himself

Ease up on the slanging a little, Spartan. It may be in good humour, but there are people out there that might not take it that way.

Either way: I'm impressed. I believe this is only the second Brute Shot build on the 405th, though feel free to prove me wrong.
Ease up on the slanging a little, Spartan. It may be in good humour, but there are people out there that might not take it that way.

Either way: I'm impressed. I believe this is only the second Brute Shot build on the 405th, though feel free to prove me wrong.

Yeah your right. I don't want to have the DFT fan base flaming my life.

And back to the brute shot.. Any moar pics?

Based on how the suit as a whole looks I'd say this gun is going to look pretty sick (Good sick).

Yes there are indeed moar pics. I made the upper barrel a little longer than it should be because the con requires an orange cap. so, I'm just going to paint the end tip orange and cut it off afterwards. I made all of the details with a dremel, it's my first time using one like that an I think it turned out OKish... I had a little difficulty controlling the dremel to start but I improved as I went. Better to screw up the bruteshot than the helmet. Right now it is more than a little front heavy, but that will change when I have my blade added.


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@.@... So many levels of jealous right now. lol Work has taken a huge chunk out of my build time and I'm so anxious to get to the Brute Shot for our Meta! You are showing an awesome representation of how the weapon should look in foam. I'm pretty excited to see pics from the convention! :D
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