Sylvacan's Emile Build


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hey y'all, it's about that time. As per usual, I've convinced myself to make yet another suit. This time though, I'm determined to push through. And so, its time to make Emile as faithfully as I can! I'm using Titlewave Design's Mark VB base suit, hopefully with either MoeSizzlac's or NerdforgeDesign's armor attachments. I've scaled everything on Armorsmith, so hopefully it all comes out as perfect as I want it to be.

To start, I needed a reference for his proportions. I could have used in-game screenshots, but wasn't too keen on redownloading MCC just for that lmao. Then, I stumbled upon a post about a GoodSmileCompany figure of Emile from a while back, and honestly? It made my job infinitely easier. I'll go ahead and link it down below, it had shots of every angle of his armor. The helmet and shoulder pieces are placeholders for now, just until I can figure out exactly what I want to do.

emile reference front.png

emile reference back.png

And hey, I think I got the scaling down as best I could. I don't exactly have the shoulders of a six foot Spartan III, but I'll make do. Next step is to start printing, which I'll do in the next day or two. I'll start out with the chest, then move onto the smaller parts like arms and legs. Saving the shoulders and attachments for later, gonna try and get ahold of NerdForge since the ones he made are no longer listed on his CGTrader. If anyone has a way to contact him, that would be much appreciated! As for progress already made, a week ago I made the M45, which inspired this build. It's a GalacticArmory file, same guy I'm gonna get the visor and helmet files from. It's not entirely done, but I think it's a great start.


It's gonna be a costly build, but I can't wait to start. That's all for now, but I'll keep y'all posted on how everything goes in the next few weeks!

Armor files here!
Shotgun files here!
Reference photos here!
Wow! I can't wait to see this build come together. You did a phenomenal job on that last one so I'm excited to see what you do with this one!
I think If I did a noble team build, Emile would be a close tie with Carter. Emile's silhouette is just so good!
u gotta watch out if you are going to purchase the security shoulder from nerdforge cuz the shoulder itself is missing in the files. sadly made that mistake myself & bought it before checking the reviews on it
u gotta watch out if you are going to purchase the security shoulder from nerdforge cuz the shoulder itself is missing in the files. sadly made that mistake myself & bought it before checking the reviews on it
it's actually not listed on his store anymore, i was gonna reach out to him and ask for it instead! (edit: obv i would pay for it lmao)
it's actually not listed on his store anymore, i was gonna reach out to him and ask for it instead! (edit: obv i would pay for it lmao)
u are right, its gone :/
but you could go ahead and use the moesizzlac shoulder from his emile files. there is a solid one to. with a few minutes of work on meshmixer u could make it fit onto your biceps piece
This is going to look so good!! Im excited for the outcome! Reach is my favourite and ive always been wanting to do a Kat build. Am so reafy for your Emile!
I can't wait to see your final build!

I'll be following with great interest.
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