Syphon's Prom Suit

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Dude, that is so freaking sweet!!!! And kudos to you for breaking tradition. MC at Prom Night; imagine how pissed some people will be that they stayed home. ;)

Good luck with the rest of the project, can't wait to see pics.
Dancin_Fool said:
Dude you should totally give it a tux paint scheme. Paint on a tie and everything, would be so awesome. Should also get a top hat, I think that would be the icing on the cake.

Lol thats what i was gonna say, paint it like its a tux, would look kl. Your a mad man doing this for prom but its just genious.

Think i should make one for my prom, kilt and all haha

Lookin good so far, cant wait to see more pics, and pics from prom haha
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man dude thats really cool, i am going to my prom as the joker and my gf is going as harley quinn hahaha
but i am thinking of dressing up in a halo suit under my robes for graduation, and when i have to go up and get my dioploma, take off the robe and put the mask on, i am trying really hard to make that dream possible, lol but good work and hope you make your deadline
X502XedgeX said:
i am thinking of dressing up in a halo suit under my robes for graduation, and when i have to go up and get my dioploma, take off the robe and put the mask on, i am trying really hard to make that dream possible, lol but good work and hope you make your deadline
dude, go for it, you have time

i was also debating on whether or not to do something like that, only problem for me is that i have to give the valedictorian speech so talking might be a problem lol i was also thinking about wearing this for my senior walk through the entire school, imagine the elementary school kids looks when i walk past :lol:

i also go the gut piece had part of a boot glassed today but i ran outa gloves ( dang it) it it started raining :mad:
getting ready to make a trip to walmart tho, gotta get some more gloves and then ill prolly get back to work, ill try to have some glassing pics up tonight
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Dude way to go. This is so tottaly epic. You might try and ask one girl to go with ya. Espeically if it is someone who loves Halo and games alot. Put up a wanted poaster in school. You never know...
All I know is nothing ever this cool happened at my prom. Well my story is way different hahaha and yeah cool things happened but not like this lol
Keep posting pics.
Whew, got to work on my armor today, got in a good 5 hours of work and got both boots, both biceps, and my helmet glassed, i might need to do a lil more fiberglassing on a couple pieces, i gotta wait for them to completely dry to see how solid they are

one thing i was wondering though, i heard that fiberglass mat is stronger and less flexible than fiberglass cloth, anyone know how much stronger? im thinking about using the cloth after the 5 hours of fighting with the fiberglass mat to get it to do what i wanted, and i think i ended up wearing half of it ;) just wondering if there was a noticeable difference between the mat and cloth, any input would be greatly appreciated

and now, on to what everyone wants...the EYE CANDY!

Collection of all my finished parts for the day

Glassed 3-piece Boots

inside and front of my glassed helm

Glassed Bicep one and two, one is a lil warped, but not too much to really notice, also dont think you can see it from the angle in the picture

Glassed gutplate that got rained on and is amazingly okay (y)

Rest of the suit, waiting to be glassed

and finally, i got my speakers out and gave them a 5 hour run, i was really impressed with the sound quality they put out, also the pile of gloves i went through, fiberglass and resin stick to freakin everything :mad:

well, thats all i got done for today, hope you guys liked the pics, let me know what ya think
Up close pic of the chest piece shoulder where i plan to add speakers to play some theme music (y)

and finally, my 4 gig zune and some portable Sony speakers that will be supplying the music for my suit, i even have the Halo Theme Song and the Battle Songs from Halo 1 and Halo 2

OH MAN!! You stole my idea! I was totally gonna do that! And here I was thinking I was all original and stuff... ;)

I'm also planning on adding a microphone and a switch so I can toggle between music and speech.

Let me know how that turns out. Look forward to seeing your prom pics. And, by the way, excellent work!
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Dude you are EPIC!
Now I feel lazy.
Honestly the mat in small strips isn't to bad. Cloth is thicker in resin in the end and tends to be stiffer. But honestly I don't think it will make a huge difference. I think for a lot of folks who have never glassed it is a challenge. If you use smaller stips and work one strip at a time. Lay down resin first, stick in the cloth then work out air etc, and let it soak in a bit then add more resin on top.
That's a freaking sweet setup you got going there man.

I was never one for prom, but gettin your groove on as the Chief, epic idea.

Kudos on the quick build too!
Syphon said:
and finally, my 4 gig zune and some portable Sony speakers that will be supplying the music for my suit, i even have the Halo Theme Song and the Battle Songs from Halo 1 and Halo 2

don't look now mate but i think theres a covenant elite sneaking into the bottom right hand corner of that image

damn nice work mate hope to see some pics of the finished suit as it will be epic
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adventSpartanMatrix said:
don't look now mate but i think theres a covenant elite sneaking into the bottom right hand corner of that image

damn nice work mate hope to see some pics of the finished suit as it will be epic

lol, thats actually my knee, i was trying to keep it out of the pic but it wouldn't cooperate, it woulda been nice if it was an elite tho, i woulda conned him into being my wingman at prom :lol:
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i think it would be cool if the suit was painted with a tux on it but thats just me, and the pep and resin looks good, i hope to see pics at the prom cuz i know it will be one to never forget lol
Are you seriously going to prom in that suit? That is like the coolest thing I think I have ever seen man! Awesome stuff. You should record some prom footage and post it to youtube. Get your date to dress like cortana or something.
hey guys, sorry it took me so long to post updates, i had to work tuesday and yesterday got kinda crazy. anyway, i finished fiberglassing my entire suit. only part im not sure about is that i had to use some fiberglass cloth on some parts because my local walmart was out of the mat, so i wiil see how well that works out.

and here are the pics!

glassed thigh pieces

glassed calf, it had a warp im trying to get rid of, hence the stack of brushes on it

Glassed chest piece, i cut it in half so i can actually put it on, then i glassed the front and back, i plan on using velcro to re attach it

Glassed belt and cod piece, the supports on it didnt really do much :lol:

Glassed forearms and the other calf, this one wasnt warped

Biceps all painted with primer and ready for some bondo (thats what i get to do on Saturday (y) )

My pride and joy, my glassed helmet, its all primered and ready for the bondo stage to

if all goes as planned i should have my helmet visor in sometime next week, along with the LEDs i ordered, and i should get most of the bondo-ing done saturday. hope ya enjoyed the pics :D

Syphon that is some serious epic win you have going on here.

You are on fire!

Keep up the great work! Hope it's done by your deadline.
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