Tenchi's Mjolnir Mrk 5 Helm

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New Member

Finished the prototype helm.

Pictures here: https://picasaweb.google.com/110514...?authkey=Gv1sRgCNbDppKMzYbURw&feat=directlink

I'm happy with how it turned out for a prototype, gave me the chance to see that areas need more focus and reinforcement.

I printed out a second helm and quickly pepped it. Trying to get the helm as accurate as possible I used the reference pictures from http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/MJOLNIR_Powered_Assault_Armor to see what needed to be added / fixed.

I re printed some areas of the helm ie the top cap, pepped and attached them to the top of the helm to get the smoother line.

1. Added the raised area to the helm.
2. (added after photo) Added a flat piece of card to create the flat side
3. Added the ear piece detail
4. Added the cheek detail
5. Added the chin detail
6. (not shown) added the under cap detail
7. (not show) Added the back of the helm detail.

Once the minor changes were added I added in a gold piece of a card to get an idea of how it looks.

The full album can be found here


The helm has had its first coat of resin. Second going on tonight and then the fiberglass.
Not bad at all. I've only finished putting my helmet together. Tell me, is this helmet from Halo 3 or Halo C.E.? Mine is from Halo 3. I've got a thread about it. Come check it out. I just posted it.
Think I will make the rest of the suit within the next year but need to research material suppliers in the UK first.

Thinking a foam based suit would be better rather than the fibreglass versions due to weight.
Think I'll make the Reach Mark 5 armor with Mark 5 Shoulders.

If I make a good replica I will probably use it in a video I'm making.

Updated the first post with new information on the helm.

Best thing I can suggest for anyone is research research research!

If anyone has any tips for giving a helm a metal looking paint job and texture/feel it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for viewing the start of my build.

Happy building!
I had that issue at first so i printed to the same size I would do a Flying Squirrel Mark 6 helm. Once the first few lays of resin and fiberglass is on I removed the neck ring of the helm and my head was able to go in easily.

Unfortunately I was hoping to sand and fit the visor today but LOTS of rain stopped that.

Tomorrow should be sunny so hope lets get done :D
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