The Beginning of my first halo armor set

First time ever weathering a helmet, I gave it my best and this is how it turned out.
Any opinions? Critiques? Those would be great. (Ignore the inside of the helmet)



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I've started 3d printing and purchasing the other materials for my odst build.
I'm just making a thread to show myself, a true and utter idiot attempting to make such a suit.
I've been doing my Halo suit for years so, for you to be able to do this much it's awesomeness... If your project doesn't work, you'll look Goooood walking away from it.
First time ever weathering a helmet, I gave it my best and this is how it turned out.
Any opinions? Critiques? Those would be great. (Ignore the inside of the helmet)
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View attachment 345299
The weathering is well done! First look with fresh eyes on your work I'd suggest adding the intricate bits fine mesh or lenses in the light ports and vents. Blacking in the edge of possible moving parts and a "Dragern Manufacturing " tag somewhere. Nice lid by the way. 80)
I'd suggest if you want to add heavier weathering get a sponge and black wash using that. Just dabbing the paint on and off repeatedly should work. Nice work so far though.
I'd suggest if you want to add heavier weathering get a sponge and black wash using that. Just dabbing the paint on and off repeatedly should work. Nice work so far though.
Might try that this weekend after I order some paint, I only had 1/4 bottle of paint when I started weathering so I used it all up
The weathering is well done! First look with fresh eyes on your work I'd suggest adding the intricate bits fine mesh or lenses in the light ports and vents. Blacking in the edge of possible moving parts and a "Dragern Manufacturing " tag somewhere. Nice lid by the way. 80)
Thanks :D
About the tag, yes I've already figured out how I'm going to do that now. I'll make a template of "Dragern" and print out a waterslide decal for it

I'll do that after I finish weathering and then seal it all up with a matte clear coat (my finish is semi gloss at the moment)
Excited to see more progress on this build!! Please tell Ginger that I love them and that they’re doing a great job supervising.
Well I've reprinted the parts I broke, glued every single part together and sanded the rest of the pieces with 80 grit. I'm getting very close to painting other parts of the armor. I have 1 thigh piece and 1 calf piece already good to go for painting.
Insane amount of progress for the build, all pieces except the belt buckle have been primed!!!! I lost the belt buckle somehow (That Mark VII helmet is not mine its my little brothers, and yes that is an arrow on the left)
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