The Results Of My 3Day Odst Challenge!

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I will post this with two accounts, mine, and drgon47's,!


Well, some of you might have been following my Weta Landfall ODST thread. I didn't have that much done, just the Helmet and i had started on the armor pads and straps.

Anyways, 3 days before launch, drgon47 dared me to finish the whole suit for launch, which gave me about 3 days. I figured it was impossible but I tried it out anyways. I actually only had 4.5 hours of sleep in the days doing this, 2 on one day, then a half hour nap on the next, followed by a 2 hour nap.

However I did drink 11 cans of monster energy, which had both positive and negative effects!

So yes, I actually don't remember much of the last few days for some reason, but what I can remember is that days of Pepakura with no stops is actually very very draining. It also didn't take long for me to start feeling slightly crazy. It is also very hard to not get resin in your hair, when it is 4am, and you are very tired!

Anyways I have to say, I had allot of fun doing this, and in 3 days, I spoke with drgon47 allot on skype, and have made a great friend too. The 405th really is awesome :D .

Here are some photos! Sadly, the photos of mine didnt come out very well becasue the flash killed them, but at least I got some!





Oh and just to add, I will be replacing the rushed parts with perfected pieces in the next few months!!!!


My suit started out on a dare, to MightyMints, to get his partly finished suit, finished in time for launch. So I told him I would hangout with him online while he worked as it was gonna take a butt load of work. Well, the first night into the dare, he had signed off and I was just working on nightshades new torso model. I ended up staying up all night and finishing it the next day around noon. So I did the next logical thing. Went on my google homepage and set a timer for 10:30 monday night before the launch of ODST. And there it was. 3 days and some odd hours to build a suit from scratch. The race was on.

During the course of the 3 day challange, I got halfway through building the Rundown Dutch helmet when to my horror, it was too small. I had to start all the way over. So the next time I chose the SKG Weta style helmet, which was perfect the first time around. I had the shoulders working right before launch, but broke as I donned them at the store, so instead of wearing just one, I left them in the car. I also didn't have time to do the shins at all.

During the next three days, there was about 14 hours sleep in 2 hour and 4 hour stints. I had never rondo'd before this project, but I found that it is my new preferred method of taking pep from paper to ready to be sanded easily. While I am proud of my suit, its okay, but a bit low poly, as given my time constraints I couldnt spend a whole lot of time on each piece. Some were just paper with two coats of resin. My helmet though, and even it looks a bit rough, was my favorite bit. I love my paintjob and I know, i know. Its not the right visor, but its all I had available. But I think it actually looks pretty cool.

Overall, I got to know one of the forum members very well, and he has done a superb job on his ODST suit. And not just for a 3 day rush job mind you, it looks excellent as an ODST build. Props to Mighty MInts for completing my dare, and I told him if he could pull it off, Id donate my AR to his suit. And so he has got himself an AR.

While I was able to get *most* of an ODST suit done, it wasnt all there. But I had something to wear at launch, when I hadn't planned on it, and all in three, doctor pepper and swiss cheese filled nights. Dont tell me it cant be done.

drgon47 (GonMD)






last pic is his sister not him!

Anyways, thanks for reading everyone! Mightymints and drgon47 out!
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And thus, the kick ass Weta armor was finished. Though your shoulders look a little bare ...

- Adulese
Mints, that looks AWESOME even as it is. Can't wait to see what the finished version ends up looking like. For now though, take a break! Sheesh. :p
For now though, I will be taking a break! Just for a few weeks, as my immigration interview is in October, and getting to see my fiancee again is the top of my list. Once that is through, and im over and settled in with her ( probably mid November if I am accepted) the work will resume :) . The CNC machine should also help too.. :D .

Also, you guys should give drgon47 some thumbs up too, he made his WHOLE SUIT in 3 days! That includes two helmets when one was too small!
Very nice. The detail looks really great and I must say the dirty look really works well with it all. If I may, I suggest grabbing some of the Halo 3: ODST shoulders for it, as I think they may add a bit more ... bulk to the upper arms.

- Adulese
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