Therob's Wip Thread Downtown Beatdown Showdown Extravaganza

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Jr Member
Hey guys, thought I would start up a little ole "Work in Progress" Thread. Pronounced "Whip" for you guys out there. This W.I.P. thread is meant to cover all I am working on so different projects will be getting updates at different times. I thought this may be easier to keep everything self contained in one thread, since all the same methods are used to produce everything from start to finish pretty much. Hmm well where should I begin... Helmets

Marine Helmet. Specialized PDO, I know there are some floating around they just didnt have the right quality for me, so I went with this one.

Its a very easy build. Nice and symmetrical, sturdy. So I was getting to work today. The helmet has been built, and did a little pep-to-plastic in the inside. So, I slush casted that perfectly good pep marine helm and I found that some parts were really needing more support. For that I added in some mud to stiffen things up a little bit where it needs it.

I will add this to a pile of things to be done with bondo/mud/spot glazing putty. It still has a long ways to go before being really ready. Hopefully not too long though.

CQB helmet, made a long time ago by a friend. Just getting around to working on it really, just wanted a little something else to do.

Now, I did the same thing. This has had a couple coats of Fiberglass resin on the inside AND the outside for months, wanting to use up the rest of some poly resin I had, I went ahead and slushed the inside of it as well. It came to a nice thickness though I did miss a few spots by not being very observant, so I will have to mud those up to a proper level before anymore work can be done with this helm.
It looks a little tilted, but I am going with the plastic set on one side more than the other. If not... well I will worry about that later with my nice heat lamp.

Moving on....

Marine Back Once again, specialized PDO because quality control and what not factors in. Make sure its something unique.

Got that, a few coats of resin on the outside of it.

Sprayed the inside with some clear enamel to keep it sealed up nice and tight.

Getting ready to now pour poly resin all inside it to get a freaking thick coat!

Then came plastic pouring. I did this is small batches about 4-5 ozs each time. I believe on the back it took 4 coats to get what I justify a fine coat.

But also just incase, I poured in some mud as well to make sure the piece was workable tomorrow.

I actually think that is all for right now, more tomorrow maybe? Comments and all welcome... Questions, well there is a Q&A team for that. Just kidding if you have any, ask! I'll help if I can.
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I really like what you did so far, look really clean!

One comment, you shouldn't use Green font, it's hard to read :lol:
I belive the marine files are Vrogy's files. I built the same helmet, but it was to big.

Anyhow, Rob, thats AWSOME!!! Can't wait for this to be finished!

LastSpartan said:

I really like what you did so far, look really clean!

One comment, you shouldn't use Green font, it's hard to read :lol:

Thank ya, I'll switch up the green next update. Didnt know, Doh!

Crucible said:
Oh man. I'd die for those models or a cast of the finished product. Where did you get them?

Look Down, also at my blog in my sig.

Xtreme TACTICS 101 said:
I belive the marine files are Vrogy's files. I built the same helmet, but it was to big.

Anyhow, Rob, thats AWSOME!!! Can't wait for this to be finished!

Thank you as well. And true they are someone elses files.

BlacRoseImmortal said:
Very nice work Rob ^^

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Shoulders and some other things for today...

So let's start off with this brand new, one of a kind, beauty... the Security Shoulder. Yes, nothing says I'm big and bad and ready to kick emo kid ass like a security shoulder. Whether you are fighting 20 Brutes away from the stage or just bouncing grunts from the club, this shows you are doing it in style.


This has been resined on the inside and out with a few layers of Fiberglass resin. And then today I decided to step it up a notch, bondo'd some fix it spots, and poured in some plastic and swished it around about and came out with a nice thick layer that will help it go a long way. Came out nice I think.


EOD shoulders are my baby. I love this one and just can't seem to get it right. Originally pep with resin, now bondo'd and getting cleaned up nicely. Did some shape forming and sanding on this today to start getting it ready for final countdown, aka be finished.


EVA... poor poor EVA. She's been with me for a while and while I did nothing with her today, I have promised her that one day I will build her and make her stronger, faster, better. But right now... she's frugged, just wanted to show her.


and now done with the shoulders.

I moved onto adding more support the Marine Back, basically adding more bondo/mud/rondo to it to make it thicker and stronger and more workable. Needs just a tad bit more, so tomorrow might be time to work on it a little. Also did the same on the cqb, but nowhere near as much it didnt need it.

Marine Chest. Can't leave base without it.


Pep base. Did the resining thing a long time ago, then layer of enamel, then plastic and got this. It has support poured in as well as the back is filled with bondo and mud mixes for strength. Sanding and some clean up is needed. Air bubbles got a hold of it and some of it is cracking but that will be gone by tomorrow with some simple fixes.

There we go for today I have to believe.
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loving the different shoulders.
I wish the weather was better here so I can fiberglass my pep pieces..
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