1st Build Uk ODST


New Member
WOW this armour looks great! Is that you in the picture? Or a friend of yours? I'd love to know more about that suit!
WOW this armour looks great! Is that you in the picture? Or a friend of yours? I'd love to know more about that suit!
Cheers man. It is me in there haha.
The armour is a Sean Bradley kit and thr helmet and Visor are from JohnsonArmsProps.

The weapons are 3dPrint files from MisarableArmouries haha
Cheers man. It is me in there haha.
The armour is a Sean Bradley kit and thr helmet and Visor are from JohnsonArmsProps.

The weapons are 3dPrint files from MisarableArmouries haha
You did a really great job painting it and putting it all together! Fantastic work
if you dont mind me asking, what did you do for the base color? im currently working on an ODST suit and am looking for inspiration on how to paint the base color.
It was originally just grey primer then backwards down abit haha. I do plan to make it abit of a darker grey
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