Soft Parts under suit

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Hi, folks!

Well my first post here in this forum :D Its a really great site and I'm happy to see that even in the Halo Universe Armor-Wearers are not alone and have a platform to communicate. Keep on this good work!

Since a happy found on eBay I'm proud owner of an Master Chief Armor too. As underarmor there was a wetsuit too and as I really can say if you are indoor or the outdoor temperature is over 6°C I guess its nearly impossible to stay in the armor for a long time. I'm also owner of 2 Star Wars armors wich I often wore on different events in summer, so I think I'm quite "heat resistant" but the wetsuit nevertheless really blows me off. ;) I was lucky to put it off again after a time.

So I reflected how maybe solute that problem without loosing the look around the stomach and hips. What do you think about that idea:
Wear a normal black motocross cotton underwear like most Stormtroopers do. Cut the wetsuit down that only the part covering the stomach/hips section of your body. You can maybe use elastic band for something like a suspenders that it will stay where it should be. So you will have the neoprene underarmor optic where you can see most of it. And the rest of your body covered with the armor has the simple black cotton undersuit under it. You can't see a big difference where the joints are. Maybe this could solve the heat Problem without destroying that optic? I have not tried it out yet, but I would be glad to hear your opinions about that idea.

Best wishes from Germany,

PS: Hope my english isn't as bad as I think it is. :rolleyes
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I had nearly the same idea with the motocross underwear. But i think you can buy a Motocross Safety Vest with Protectors and try that it fits under your armor, or modify the protectors a little bit. The main problem i see is, is that with normal underwear or even a neopren underwear you look verry skinny, even if you have normal size and that it looks to untextured when you compare it to the armor. This protectored vests have a textured looking surface in my opinion and from what i have found a great looking backside and i think this looks a way better than a normal underwear. When you look at pictures it seems that the MC were something like a protectored or armored undersuit. The only problem i think is the that you have to keep it movable, but i ve seen someone wearing a motocross protection suit under his armor at pictures of an ebay auction a few weeks ago. So when i have an Armor someday and a little bit cash left i would try this way.

greets from Germany to Germany and the rest of the world

thanks for your reply. :) I even thought about that and yeah this seems to be a good idea. You find some parts on the Chief wich are a bit inspirated from the motocross scene I guess so you just have to find a protection belt or protection vest wich looks nearly like the underarmor in the games. But the big question is: Would those tings being "cooler" than neoprene? o_O There are some out there with a good ventilation guarantee, but those all have holes between the protective parts. That doesn't look very good. Maybe if this is big enaugh: else something like this - The patterns aren't a 100% positive but it has that "rip"-effect and no brands where you could see them. The last one is just again a full body suit so I think maybe just that belt-solution could be better in view on temperature (and maybe even with better movement in armor).

Any motocross specialists out there? ;)



I found something wich comes very close I think. Should look good under the Amor:
"Paintball Impact / Protection Vests". They are not as expensive as Motocross protectors and you have a better movement. They exist in many different styles.

I took this one:

I'm going to change the red color in it to black with textile color that it will look completely black. Its not a 100% positive but comes quite close. Better looking than just a black underwear I guess. :D

Hope this could help someone who's looking for a good underarmor too. ;)
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yeah ha ha i asked my friends ma and she said no but i gave up on the under suit and suit a long time ago and im re opening the project i already finished my ar and am workin on the helm but until then idk what ill do for the under armor :)
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