1st Build UNSC Medical Corp - Cosplaying it up!

I thought I would update some pics of my current status on my ODST.

I have about 8 more pieces (major) left to print; then about a handful of smaller buckles etc.

I am printing in Rapid PLA + Red.

However, I believe I'm going to HydroDip the armor in a Midnight MultiCam but not sold on the idea yet.

Sticking w the Medical Corp theme; I will be placing the logo on two spots and the helm (helm shown is not the one being used)

Weapon w be the pistol, and it will be magnetized attachment on the thigh. MedKitBackpack will be on my back. Biofoam cannisters on opposite thigh and base of lower back.

I will be weathering and adding battle damage to parts of the armor.

This is the vision this far; and with some help from fellow 405th brotheren.. I hope to have this completed by May 10th.

At said time, I will hopefully be deployable.


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I thought I would update some pics of my current status on my ODST.

I have about 8 more pieces (major) left to print; then about a handful of smaller buckles etc.

I am printing in Rapid PLA + Red.

However, I believe I'm going to HydroDip the armor in a Midnight MultiCam but not sold on the idea yet.

Sticking w the Medical Corp theme; I will be placing the logo on two spots and the helm (helm shown is not the one being used)

Weapon w be the pistol, and it will be magnetized attachment on the thigh. MedKitBackpack will be on my back. Biofoam cannisters on opposite thigh and base of lower back.

I will be weathering and adding battle damage to parts of the armor.

This is the vision this far; and with some help from fellow 405th brotheren.. I hope to have this completed by May 10th.

At said time, I will hopefully be deployable.
The armour looks and sounds great!

One piece of advice I would give you though would be to put in your deployment request when you're fully happy with your suit so you get the best chance at getting the tier that you're looking for.

I haven't seen a hydro dipped armour though, I'm curious to see how that would come out and how the coat would perform over wear.
I thought I would update some pics of my current status on my ODST.

I have about 8 more pieces (major) left to print; then about a handful of smaller buckles etc.

I am printing in Rapid PLA + Red.

However, I believe I'm going to HydroDip the armor in a Midnight MultiCam but not sold on the idea yet.

Sticking w the Medical Corp theme; I will be placing the logo on two spots and the helm (helm shown is not the one being used)

Weapon w be the pistol, and it will be magnetized attachment on the thigh. MedKitBackpack will be on my back. Biofoam cannisters on opposite thigh and base of lower back.

I will be weathering and adding battle damage to parts of the armor.

This is the vision this far; and with some help from fellow 405th brotheren.. I hope to have this completed by May 10th.

At said time, I will hopefully be deployable.
I’ve gotta get you back over to fix my printer again lmao, but also your prints came out really well!
Woot woot!

All pieces are printed - have some soft works to do next and hopefully have it all golden by next event!
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