^ < V game

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^ Is applying at Victoria's Secret for a job
< Totally loves the Macarena (by Los Del Rio for those who want to dance right now)
V Is downloading the Macarena because you just need to dance RIGHT NOW
^ is probably an illegal downloader of music

< loves her because of that :p

V is probably caboose-like enough to get caught downloading
^ is mintt as hell
< Doesn't live in Behjing, or Bejing. Neither does he know what "mintt" means. IS it used like "mint", only with two t's?
V Thinks therefore V is
^is obviously not mintt
<does not always think so do i not always exist? nor knows what mintt is
Veats peanutbutter pickle sandwiches with horseradish
^ grossed me out with that idea of a peanutbutter pickle sandwiches with horseradish
< is eating a peanutbutter pickle sandwiches with horseradish
v is gonna think that im insane :tutu:
^ is insane
< loves peanut butter sandwiches, with only peanut butter on them
V will someday end up in an insane hospital
/\ I'll become an escape master like Houdini so they cab't hold me
< Starts to practice becoming an escape master/ninja
V KNOWS that pirates are better than ninjas
^LIES ninjas are better than pirates
<is thinking a bacon chalupa sounds good
v is not wearing pants
^ lives in texas and therefore needs to wear shorts
< wants a donut but the nearest tim hortons is an hour away...
Vis responding to this
^Will drive that hour to get his donut!
<Is responding, isnt that weird?
VKnows what Mexican day it is today
^ Just left his house to get a donut
< knows that it is finally Free Burrito Day in Mexico (and also Cinco De Mayo)
V Has a collection of authentic big sombreros and is playing on dancing around them to celebrate Free Burrito Day while doing the Macarena.
^ has an affinity to mexicans
< Is far from mexican, more like tall skinny white boy
V will not like the macarena (watever it is)

V lol, yeah, I totally never been to a dance.
^ needs to come out of the closet :lol: (or at least go to a couple dances)
< has no problem with mexicans...ole
V had pizza 4 breakfast
^ might be mexican himself/herself
<had some magicaly delicious cereal this morning, has gone to many dances and has asked many people to dance with him
V has gone to at least on dance and asked someone to dance w/ them
^is wrong I like what little hair caderts allows me to keep
< is absolutely postituely % mexican
Vhas signed upt to join this site
^is correct
<is, oddly enough, very good friends with a foreign exchange student from Mexico
v does not live in Ohio
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