Video stuff

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Where were you when I was doing Spartan Rescue?
I could have used an editer then.

Do you have a thread on your script yet? I;ve seen several posts on other things for the move but no actual script.
Twisting_Neather said:
Where were you when I was doing Spartan Rescue?
I could have used an editer then.

Do you have a thread on your script yet? I;ve seen several posts on other things for the move but no actual script.
u got a link to your spartan rescue vid?
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I'd like to see that. I'm glad other people have actually made a film, too.

And I refuse to put my script up on the site. Currently it is in the revision stage, and that's being done by various people that are close to me. I co-wrote it with a gentleman that would not wish for his name to be mentioned here, but I will give him Anonymous credit.

My reasoning for not posting the script is: 1) It's currently about 45 pages long, written in the correct screenplay format. 2) I don't need a million people providing suggestions. Suggestions are excellent, but when you have more people than actually needed nailing you for things it won't work. Trust that the script is under good care. If you are skeptical that is fine, for I will not waste my time arguing. This is the internet. Of course I will not publicly share my work. For example, the Dark Knight's script was never released to the public before it was made. Nor was Star Wars, the Fifth Element, Blade Runner... I hope you understand. Not offended, just straightforward.

We will have combat scenes against the Covenant in their natural fighting styles. Expect more on the progress thread, however I'm considering requesting the two to be merged. The Video Stuff thread was more of a recruiting thread, but now it's getting into discussion.

Understand we are planning this on a level that is beyond teen movie making or anything else I have done. It will take some time, but expect it to come out some time next year. No, this isn't one of those projects people start and then drop. This is for real. Too much money has already be invested for it not to be real.

I am not an editor. I'm a director that edits. : ) This is why I had to ask for special fx help. We have several people on that actually, and when shooting begins after all equipment has been purchased (which will take time. We have to buy things in stages due to lack of money-which I refuse to ask for) the elements will all be edited together.

I've learned a lot on filmmaking by talking to my elders, trial and error, and pure reason. This is going to take a lot of time. We are using a professional camera along with professional animation software and other editing tools.

Thanks for the interest.
I have poser i use it and adobe after effects to do little cartoons because i am still learning it but one thing i do have for poser is a master chief armor set lmao go figure you can always use inserted characters created in a 3d program if you know your light source you can use posers firefly render with the lighting set up the same way and use green screen background to add them to your film. Just a suggestion
Vampyredh said:
I have poser i use it and adobe after effects to do little cartoons because i am still learning it but one thing i do have for poser is a master chief armor set lmao go figure you can always use inserted characters created in a 3d program if you know your light source you can use posers firefly render with the lighting set up the same way and use green screen background to add them to your film. Just a suggestion

Lol exactly what I am doing.
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Spartan Rescue was a failed video project. Our camera man bailed at the last second, so I filmed, directeed, and stared in it. I sent the files to KuroKuma, who voliteired to help ad the FX, but I hadn't heard much from him since. I would send you some of the footage, but I lost the DVD i burned it on.
I still have the script though if your interested in reading it. I also have a short story adaptation of it that I sent in to Timecon's Contest.
Ok I have one thing to say, keep in mind that I can not make movies BUT.....this is feaking awesome. shoot me an email and I will assist however possible. We can work out the small details. I have the needler, my blue MC, working on the busa and soon a rogue. I am making a plasma shield and I always have other projects. If you don't mind a lil paperwork with your work then hit me up.

Kaya Tetsu said:
Alas I haven't yet learned to model...when I have time....I will learn. Best of luck on your project.

Check out this place they have a couple models:

like this one:
YES ANOTHER PERSON THAT COMES FROM CE WOOOHOOO sry but i am making a movie too btw i plan on releasing march of 2010 and yes i have a reason down to the date, ill post the trailer here and on youtube when i do im aiming for the trailer being released haloween
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