Warhammer 40K Armors...in Pep!

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New Member
Hi everyone,

For the next year i planned to made a couple of warhammer costumes for a con. Searching for materials, images and such i discovered the papercraft works, specially pepakura models. I think it's amazing this tool and i wander if anybody has ever seen the pepakura models of some sisterhood and/or T'au armors...Or at least the cad models to work out with pepakura.

Thanks :)

yea vrogys makeing um but besides that theres noone so youll have to wait, rundown started but he realized was to complicated for pep so he stopped but you might be able to get his WIP and finish it
box o crayons said:
yea vrogys makeing um but besides that theres noone so youll have to wait, rundown started but he realized was to complicated for pep so he stopped but you might be able to get his WIP and finish it

I'm quite new to this forum/website, so i don't know how to look for things, where can i find this started work? You mean i should ask with a pm or i can find the files on the website?

Thanks ^^
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I'm with you man... I'm also looking for Tau armor especially the helmet... but haven't found pdo of them anywhere... since I'm not a modeler, I'll keep looking.

As for space marine... they are cool for miniature, but their armor is a lot more cumbersome than MC's... one of my friend built his own scratch build (except for the helmet... there is a pdo somewhere) and he could barely move his arms because the chest is big... and the shoulder pad are immense.
This is it?




yep... that's one kind of firewarrior... I really like the helmet... would not be too hard to pep.

Hope some modeler will get interested :)
A1TD said:
I'm modeler. I will make it.

Great A1TD !!!

The Fire Warrior is also on my list of costume to-do.

Although I would have made it from scratch

But if you're doing a pdo of it, I'm surrely interested.

just a hint: check out: http://www.games-workshop.com and click further to Warhammer 40000 and Tau

Games Workshop is the company who makes and sells the miniatures on which the game is based.
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box o crayons said:
yea vrogys makeing um but besides that theres noone so youll have to wait, rundown started but he realized was to complicated for pep so he stopped but you might be able to get his WIP and finish it

that was a starcraft costume...

I never a spacemarine costume. I only made a bolter.
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Thanks for all your suggestions...but, about the marine, space marines armors are easier to find than Sisterhood ones (adeptas sororitas, the space marine ladies)! I and my boyfriend planned this cosplay and i would not suit very well as a space marine macho-guy! :p

Adeptas sororitas costume is very different, and easy, to do: it has a huge gorget, a vintage bustier with lilies on it, some stuff on the boots and a backpack just like the marines one.

T'au armors are not difficult. they are made of modular plates bend and put together with flexible joints. The second image you found A1TD is artistically amazing but more complex than the original armor. The "miniature one" are the first and the latters. Proper armor is just the yellow part, the brown part is some kind of heavy fabric, a jumpsuite of some kind, so the neck and the lower part of the helmet...

If you're gonna try to model it i can give you a lot of info, just you ask me!

Oh, and THANKS for help! ^^


Give me some time and i'll post images both for T'au and Sister of Battle

We were going to make the t'au armor plates in pvc but then discovered the papercraft works. So if it's difficult/boring/wathever to make is not a problem if you won't make them...
I'd really like to get a hold of the PDO's if they are forthcoming. :). Maybe a scratch build? Lol. Good Luck with your project.

Cheers, Dave.


wrong!!! (2 Antenna)

tau_P2S : File


tau_R2S : File
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wow! just a few days are passed and you come up with two models! I'm sorry i'm busy and i post just today the pics i promised...These models are great but i'll bring your attention to the fact that the "eye" is on the left side of the helmet, not exactly in the centre (if i wear this thing i couldn't see otherwise!). and the upper part and the front of the helem are the only proper armor plate, the lower is 100%cotton i think :p

Antenna is separate from the helmet as u'll see in the pics, but peraphs it wil be a little complicated to realize a neck support that rigid and comfortable later on

If you look at the pics i found you can notice that in many arts and in a white miniature shot, that white is plate and black is fabric. I also adede a little gif with the front scheme of the helmet...if u did't painted about 40 of them it may be difficult to realize the exct shape

i hope it helps...

Next time there will be imperium sisterhood pics

Thanks for the great work!

pics------> http://cid-310a1a38b00790a4.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/.Public


I notice just now that the helmet has the dividing line drawn straight thou in the miniature has a slight different design, as soon as i get my hands on my boyfriend's tau i'l get a shot of it. (yeah, straight is ok too, but for accuracy sake i'll post it anyway...)
This times. It's not good at all. I have not enough reference.

Good reference is leftside, topside, frontside with skeatch picture or black and white color.


test it yourself.

tau_R3 : File.
just a suggestion... you could make the "eye piece" separate and the "antenna" also... would be easier to pep: pep main piece, scale eye piece and place it exactly were you want it for "visibility", put antenna... would also help with molding the helmet.

But for visibility, I'll be using a pinhole camera in the upper lense, and some video glasses, low rez that sells for less than 100$... so both of my eye will see something.
Completed! Default size is 30cm which weighs in at 11 pages printed on letter size paper. Fold lines are black mountains and green valleys (get it?). I arranged the tabs so you can just cut across the top of a whole row of them at once, and then separate them with quick slices vs. zig-zagging back and forth like the default tabs. Enjoy!


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