Welcome & Welcome Back!


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Over the past few months, many people have joined or returned to Pacific.. I just wanted to say hello and give a little information for those that may not exactly know what to do next.. so member to member!

Welcome to the 405th Infantry Division; Pacific Regiment!

We are thrilled to have you join or return to the ranks as we embark on an exciting journey within the Halo Universe!

Here at the 405th, & Pacific Regiment we believe in promoting inclusivity and encouraging everyone to push their limits; within the values of UNITY, ARMOR, & HONOR!

You are apart of an amazing group of friends now, and we hope you'll soon feel like part of a family.

Active participation is encouraged to making the most of your time with us, however it is not required. We welcome all of you on your speed and your comfortability.

Whether you’re a seasoned Spartan or just starting your journey as a new recruit, remember that we're all here to support you every step of the way. Together, we'll work on supporting everyone to reach new heights and discover the potential within each of us.

One of the most exciting parts of being in the Pacific Regiment is participating and showcasing our Cosplay at local conventions. We take pride in our membership, and through this effort, we aim to become community heroes (in and out of gear) that people look up to. It's not just about the armor or the game; it's about sharing the love and making a difference with all those we come across.

As you travel or go about your daily adventures, remember that wherever you are in the World, their is a local Regiment &/or Battalion there for journey support.

California - Sierra Battalion (PapaBear271 Battalion Commander or Zenghilios Battalion XO )
Washington - WABATT (KocourUS , Battalion Membership Officer )
Oregon - Unofficial Group (Kahn 319 , Member )

We've got your back, and you’ll find fellow Soldiers ready to join you in the fight or share a laugh.

So gear up!

It’s time to dive into this adventure and make some unforgettable memories.

Welcome aboard!

Best regards,

Baron080 , Member
Pacific Regiment, Oregon
"You know the Music, Time to Dance!" - Buck
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