What do you mean I can't bring my weapon???

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This situation is a Convention by Convention basis becuase each Convention is different and run by different people. Some Cons are fine with Prop Weapons some are not. For example, the rules you quoted for Dragon Con clearly state that you may carry prop weapons, they just have to be peace bounded and non-functioning.

As a group the 405th should just simply follow the rules of the convention they are attending.

Thanks for the clarification!
Wow. I'm totally surprised now by the DragonCon banning all the weapons. O_O

But yeah, if they say no weapons, do not bring any weapons and do not try to smuggle any props in.
You could get into trouble yourself, but also you'd make 405th look bad... something we all don't want to do, I think.
No Mara, we have kickass costumes.

Yes. Exactly.

Our weapons may be missing or left behind. But we are actual weapons, haha. Spartans, ODSTs, Marines - doesn't matter. We have our fists and boots, we can punch and kick ass, hah! :3

[insert here Palmer punching the holo table on INFINITY and leaving a dent]




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Yes. Exactly.

Our weapons may be missing or left behind. But we are actual weapons, haha. Spartans, ODSTs, Marines - doesn't matter. We have our fists and boots, we can punch and kick ass, hah! :3

[insert here Palmer punching the holo table on INFINITY and leaving a dent]



"I don't know what's weirder, that you're fighting a stuffed animal, or that you seem to be losing" - Suzie
Wow. I'm totally surprised now by the DragonCon banning all the weapons. O_O

Dragon Con' policy is no REAL weapons. That has always been their policy.

You can still have Prop Weapons, but no actual, functional weapons, i.e. Real Guns, working airsoft, bladed swords, props with no orange blaze, and the like are banned. As you can see in that quote of their policy, prop weapons are fine as long as they non functioning and peace bonded.
DragonCon has NOT banned all weapons. They have banned, as always, all actual weapons which should be common sense but clearly they legally need to say it. You can still have your prop weapon with you so long as it is a non-functioning/non-firing weapon and it has been peace bonded. It appears that they have not changed from years previously.

Frankly, the weapons rules at DCon are the most lax of any convention I've ever been to and I'm dumbfounded that nothing bad has happened. The fact that you can have a live blade but just not remove it from its sheath is wow....I don't have the words. Given how much booze there is, it's a miracle people have managed to keep each other safe.

I do love, however, that they included water guns and silly string guns as being on the no list. I'd lose my noodle if someone got silly string on a costume I'd worked hard on.
With Dragon Con coming up at the beginning of next month, I thought it pertinent to check their rules.

So as a team, does the 405th just continue to not carry weapons to the Con? Or is this a Con by Con basis?

From what i can tell with Dragon Con their ban policy is for "actual" and or working air soft, nerf, silly string or any other "Firing" weapon. There is no ban on prop weapons at this time. I gather this due to this line " All weapons must be non-working and peace bonded." it goes on to say no functioning projectile weapons.

So it sounds like Dcon is still a go for your prop guns unless someone is reading something entirely different than me.
what D*C is doing is what most Cons in the USA are doing and have done for as long as I have been cosplaying . The 2 cons I work for are about the same.

orange tip. Filled or plugged barrels .
No * action * or moving parts.
Kumo , NewconPDX ,Retro gamer expo , WWCC PDX, Eugene CC , RTX was the same too! .

this is what the end user is willing to accept .
Most * sane * cons have found the balance and thats the * industry* standard.
to go overboard is just gonna scare fans away and they might never come back . just like bad fish at a diner.

I agree FANGS Live metal of any kind is just risky... I used to do renfaires . Beet , Brats and blades dont mix well .
At my second DCon a LONG time ago, my husband and I had taken a walk and were sitting in the park between World of Coke and the Aquarium. We ended up being pretty much in the middle of a police take down, guns drawn the whole nine yards, because some poor con goer who was clearly so comfortable with the rules about weapons, had taken a walk there with two live blade katanas on his back. He froze when they started yelling at him which made him not comply initially with their request. Which resulted in drawn guns and lots more yelling. Of course once his brain kicked back in to action he complied with everything and it was over quickly. DCon is tricky because it's so spread out so you really do need to be careful about where you have your weapons, real or not. Be smarter than that poor kid with the two katanas, ears and a tail who I'm going to guess needed to go back to his hotel room and either change his pants or have a drink or perhaps both.

We also had a Stormtrooper in my Garrison who had an event close to his house so he decided to walk. Baaaaaad idea to have the E-11 with him. He was stopped by the police and questioned and I believe they took the E-11 but he could go later and pick it up at the station.
I too had many pictures taken with young children at my resent event. At first I was quite surprised, one child was about 6 years old.at first I thought it was the idea of the parent, but the kid was the one almost begging to have her picture taken with me. I had my rifle, side arm and knife.
I totally understand the concerns of some people and safety for all, but agree with what you said about giving in to these creeps and there threats.
If I know that there is a convention going on and I see a group of halo Spartans walking down the street, guns or no guns, who cares.
I guess it really boils down to comment sense. DONT POINT YOUR GUN AT PEOPLE.
Use your head and the people who don't understand and know what's going on won't be afraid and freek out on us.
With Dragon Con coming up at the beginning of next month, I thought it pertinent to check their rules.

So as a team, does the 405th just continue to not carry weapons to the Con? Or is this a Con by Con basis?
Conneticon in CT USA has basicaly the same rules. Nothing functional. And has to have an orange tip. They also go through inspection and get tagged by the security/ staff.
Furthermore, this just ride it out logic sounds a lot like giving up. If no one hears us complain, voice our opinion then the see no problem.
So even unrealistic weapons like covenant, and Promethean weapons aren't allowed?

It depends on the Convention. The primary point of this thread was to advise our members that IF a convention has banned weapons to please abide by the rules and not attempt to circumvent them. The discussion in this thread from a year ago covered several different conventions, but the impetus was GamesCon in Germany, where, yes, even Promethean weapons would have been banned.

The take away from this thread is to always double check a convention's weapon policy, to always respect and follow the rules, whatever your pesonal feelings on the rule, and to practice common sense and safe thinking in regards to prop weapons in public spaces.
Morning, peeps!

As you have likely heard by now, there was an incident at the Phoenix Comic Con yesterday where a person attending was found to be carrying real guns and knives and they have now banned all replica prop weapons and have changed their rules about bags etc. I suspect that this may have further fall out to other conventions, potentially MegaCon in Florida as well.

Please folks, be understanding that they are trying to protect everyone while keeping the times to go through security as reasonable as possible. I know it sucks if you can't bring your weapon or if bag rules make your usual con plans difficult. However, please be sure to keep on top of any changes made and abide by them. Remember that you are representing the 405th and we do not want us to have a reputation of being uncooperative.

I have no direct knowledge as of this moment about any changes at any other con besides Phoenix but I wanted everyone to have the heads up to make sure you check. Don't assume the rules are going to be the same as they were yesterday or even that they'll be the same tomorrow. If you read about a change, please post here and in any Regiment thread to let the rest know.

Thank you everyone for your cooperation.
Just looked it up and it is overkill. It had nothing to do with the con. It's just some nut that wanted to hurt the police and thats where they happen to be.
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