What Is The Most Durable Resin?

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I love this website, and everyone here does amazing things! I'm a noob, and I've been watching lots of videos and reading all kinds of help topics. I just have a quick question...

I've already checked for related topics, but I couldn't find a clear-cut answer. So please don't shun me.

I am planning on making custom paintball armor (nothing elaborate), and I need to know your opinions on what kind of resin I should use to make my armor. I play extreme paintball. I run, dive, slide, slam into bunkers, roll, etc.

Is there such a material I can use that can withstand moderate abuse? I don't want my armor cracking in half on the field. I know you guys are experts, so I approach you all in a very humble manner!

I'm obivously not making elbow and knee pads, I can buy those! I already have combat boots, a helmet, and tactical gloves.

I want to make enough armor to cover my shins, arms, upper thighs, chest, and back.

Thanks in advance!
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This isn't to bash you in any way, but you are not going to get the help needed on this forum. This site is for props and costumes, not functional armour, not even for paintball. I believe it's stated somewhere in the rules. If you want to make paintball armour (even if I don't believe you will be running, diving and sliding in rigid armour), you have to seek assistance elsewhere.
I get you, no big deal. I'm not looking for help in actually creating functional armor, I'm just curious as to what type of resin is pretty strong. No other help needed.
I agree with Ace.

This place is just to make 'armor' for a con or to just fool around in. Not to protect you from projecttiles.

My adive is to just buys Sport pads cuth them up and use those as your 'armor'. Since those have been tested to take a beating.

Fiberglass strands hurt like *Beep*! If they get stuck in your skin you're going to be in a world of hurt!

ACDCrockr209 said:
I agree with Ace.

This place is just to make 'armor' for a con or to just fool around in. Not to protect you from projecttiles.

My adive is to just buys Sport pads cuth them up and use those as your 'armor'. Since those have been tested to take a beating.

Fiberglass strands hurt like *Beep*! If they get stuck in your skin you're going to be in a world of hurt!

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Paintball masks are made of Injection molded polyethelene. That takes machinery and specialty plastics. Resin and fiberglass is not going to cut it. If there is a way, and I intend to find it :p, the armor will need to be molded from a cast with plastics that will be a pain in the ass to get. If you do think that you find a way though, make sure to thoroughly test the armor by shooting it from point blank range to 15 yards with A LOT of paintballs. You do not want that thing breaking on you while you are in the middle of a skirmish. :)
It’s been said, but I'll say it again. You will not get help making armor for paintballing as it’s against the rules, in addition to being a terrible idea. I will however give you some advice. Look around for the effects of paintballs on the armor on this site. There are a number of videos, which will clearly demonstrate why no-one will help you. If you can’t find it, let me know in a PM and I'll get them for you. Just a quick summary to help discourage you from the idea while you search for the video. Paintballs tend to shatter armor, which would produce extremely sharp shards, that would cause nice big scars and a respectable amount of blood loss. Long story short, forget about it.

I'm sorry if I seem harsh. Just remember, life isnt like Burger King, we cant always have it our way.



got armour said:
dont listen to them.... the most durable resin is the bondo brand you can find it in walmart

Dude, what part of this is a terrible/dangerous idea do you not understand?
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That's cool, I understand. You also make a good point about the armor shattering... that wouldn't be very fun! Could any of you recommend a type of rubber that I could coat materials with? Now I'm just thinking of layering canvas or kevlar encased in a type of flexible rubber. Sorry about the forum rules, also.
I must disagree, the question was related to resin and not to paintballing; The man would like to know what a strong resin to use would be, so it's none of our business what he plans to do WITH it be it paintballing or anything else.

A strong resin to use is polyester, it's quick drying also. Though I think the harder a resin gets, it's more liable to be brittle.

I would also like to addd this, from what I have heard elsewhere before, wearing the armor can get pretty hot already and if you try to add andy more material to it in order to attempt to make it safe for paintball, the armor may get heavier and can may even limit your movement in paintball if you decide to do a full, complete halo suit. I used to play paintball years ago and worked at a battle grounds and I know you need to really be able to move well in what you are wearing. You could maybe make your armor to resemble halo armor, but your movement can be limited with the halo armor. It would make it harder to run in and would most likely require you to do LOTS of alterations in order to make it comfortable to wear so that you can easily maneuver and run around the playing field. Also, if you use a paintball gun that has a bit of weight to it, you may tire yourself out pretty easily.

And as others have said, the standard method (resin and fiberglass) will not hold up to a paintball shot and will shatter. I have seen videos of people testing a paintball gun on a helmet and it blasted a large hole into it.

So, in the end, if you really think you can make armor the way we do it hear and have it comfortable for paintball AND without having it shatter and potentially hurt you badly, then go for it. Don't say we didn't warn you. :p
Thanks Phixix, all I'm asking for is recommendations of different materials. You guys don't need to worry about me or my safety. If I die it's my own stupid fault ;)

I too thought about the resin becoming brittle and shattering, so is there a type of strong rubber I can use? One that's flexible enough to be comfortable but sturdy enough to take some impact? Thanks.
HaloGoddess said:
I would also like to addd this, from what I have heard elsewhere before, wearing the armor can get pretty hot already and if you try to add andy more material to it in order to attempt to make it safe for paintball, the armor may get heavier and can may even limit your movement in paintball if you decide to do a full, complete halo suit. I used to play paintball years ago and worked at a battle grounds and I know you need to really be able to move well in what you are wearing. You could maybe make your armor to resemble halo armor, but your movement can be limited with the halo armor. It would make it harder to run in and would most likely require you to do LOTS of alterations in order to make it comfortable to wear so that you can easily maneuver and run around the playing field. Also, if you use a paintball gun that has a bit of weight to it, you may tire yourself out pretty easily.

And as others have said, the standard method (resin and fiberglass) will not hold up to a paintball shot and will shatter. I have seen videos of people testing a paintball gun on a helmet and it blasted a large hole into it.

So, in the end, if you really think you can make armor the way we do it hear and have it comfortable for paintball AND without having it shatter and potentially hurt you badly, then go for it. Don't say we didn't warn you. :p

Oh man no! I don't wanna make Halo armor and try to play paintball in it! LOL yeah that would suck. I'm just trying to make some basic battle plates that I can strap to my legs, arms, and a chest plate type thing. They won't be very thick, and I'm not gonna be wearing a whole lot. Just enough so I won't have 100+ welts and bruises when I'm done playing.
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wait if you are using it for paint ball or airsoft then just stop making the armor but for cons and stuff.then go ahead make it
Apocalypse said:
It’s been said, but I'll say it again. You will not get help making armor for paintballing as it’s against the rules, in addition to being a terrible idea. I will however give you some advice. Look around for the effects of paintballs on the armor on this site. There are a number of videos, which will clearly demonstrate why no-one will help you. If you can’t find it, let me know in a PM and I'll get them for you. Just a quick summary to help discourage you from the idea while you search for the video. Paintballs tend to shatter armor, which would produce extremely sharp shards, that would cause nice big scars and a respectable amount of blood loss. Long story short, forget about it.

I'm sorry if I seem harsh. Just remember, life isnt like Burger King, we cant always have it our way.



Dude, what part of this is a terrible/dangerous idea do you not understand?

well its his armo rand all he wanted to know was what was the most durable resin so f*** off. he said nothing about paintball.basicly what phixix said
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Ok ok ok... I ain't trying to start an argument and make people freak out.

I just need some questions answered, please.

What kind of material would YOU recommend?

Is there a type of durable but flexible rubber that I can cast?

Is it possible to coat a tough material like kevlar with that kind of rubber?

And very last, what kind of spray paint should I use?

Thanks in advance.
phixix said:
I must disagree, the question was related to resin and not to paintballing; The man would like to know what a strong resin to use would be, so it's none of our business what he plans to do WITH it be it paintballing or anything else.

A strong resin to use is polyester, it's quick drying also. Though I think the harder a resin gets, it's more liable to be brittle.


PainTrane said:
Thanks Phixix, all I'm asking for is recommendations of different materials. You guys don't need to worry about me or my safety. If I die it's my own stupid fault ;)

I too thought about the resin becoming brittle and shattering, so is there a type of strong rubber I can use? One that's flexible enough to be comfortable but sturdy enough to take some impact? Thanks.

The information being spread on 405th certainly IS our business, and even though PainTrane might be alright with dying, maybe his parents or friends won't be if he is severly injured or dies if word gets out that he got help to make crappy armour on 405th. The owners and administrators of 405th don't want to risk getting such publicity in any way.

Bottom line is that regardless of what he will be using it for, 405th IS NOT the place to ask how to make the most durable parts. Regardless of what you personally believe, it is against the forum rules that you have accepted by becomming members.
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PainTrane said:
Ok ok ok... I ain't trying to start an argument and make people freak out.

I just need some questions answered, please.

What kind of material would YOU recommend?

Is there a type of durable but flexible rubber that I can cast?

Is it possible to coat a tough material like kevlar with that kind of rubber?

And very last, what kind of spray paint should I use?

Thanks in advance.

I think if you went with kevlar, you would need quite a bit of the stuff in order to make the few pieces you wish to make. However, getting enough of the kevlar material can be pretty costly from what I have heard and unless you have an unlimited budget, you can try it. Otherwise, I wouldn't waste so much money to only have it not work the way you wanted it to and then you will be sitting on an expensive suit that doesn't even work as you had hoped. :p

But still, it's not safe to really even attempt it. LOTS of people have came up with this idea and I don't think I have seen anybody actually go through with it since they don't want to risk their safety or their life.
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Thanks, and yeah it would probably be pretty costly. Any more ideas? I'm pretty creative and I like hearing other people's ideas.
got armour said:
well its his armo rand all he wanted to know was what was the most durable resin so f*** off. he said nothing about paintball.basicly what phixix said

In before the angry blue monkey locks this up!

Dude, here's the point. Everybody's trying to warn him to not make halo armor for paintball. It is proven to not work, there are several vids showing the damage paintballs do to fiberglass and bondo. It tears it to shreds. He want's to know what the hardest resin is, but it is good to discourage someone from doing something dumb and hurting themselves. He may not know that fiberglass can't withstand the impacts. It's been cleared up, and that's it. And really dude, people don't appreciate when you tell 'em to f*** off. Keep it to yourself, ok? I'm not trying to play moderator, or start a war, but rember the rules, be respectful to all members. And yes, he DID mention paintball in his first post: "I am planning on making custom paintball armor (nothing elaborate), and I need to know your opinions on what kind of resin I should use to make my armor. I play extreme paintball. I run, dive, slide, slam into bunkers, roll, etc.Is there such a material I can use that can withstand moderate abuse? I don't want my armor cracking in half on the field." We all want to be helpful, and give the guy an answer, but safety is ALWAYS a priority. IF he doesn't have paintball armor, he doesn't look quite as cool playing. If he gets nailed in the eye, he loses his sight. Again, the question has been cleared up some, but understand other people's position. *rant endeth*

PainTrane said:
Thanks, and yeah it would probably be pretty costly. Any more ideas? I'm pretty creative and I like hearing other people's ideas.

The problem is manufactures have a LOT of equipment, lots of money, and rigerous testing. Their products will be a lot better than anything you can make, aside from you making 10mm thick steel armor, and that's more likely to lay you open than protect you from a paintball. There ane numerous things that can go wrong, using low-tech equipment. Rooling around, diving, etc is likely to snap or rip anyhting to shreads. MY idea would be to make soft armor, something that takes impacts and flexes. But I'm sure a paintball would be able to rip through most of those materials unless you've got $500 or so to throw around. In the end, bad idea. Buy something from a store, and maybe add something on to it that is not likely to break and stuff. Airsoft is a different story, paintball is dangerous.
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