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Above should be an image of Halo 1's Standard Issue Marine Torso. You'll notice a big problem with the back of the torso. Its just one huge piece that covers 4 pages! It wont work with The printer due to the margin. Any solutions? thanks!

UPDATE: I re-scaled, but The Torso is still covering 2 pages, and probably will be erased when it mets the margin.
UPDATE: Thanks for the tips I have unzipped as much as I could. I'm sure they helped, but The model is judt to big to fit in the margins (i think)
I've changed the pic above to show you the new (old) problem.
Yep, just click the button with the zipper thing on it (divide/connect faces) and click i the middle of the piece, it should divide in half in some fashion.
well it being a halo 1 file it has double sided faces so when its put into pep everything has an open edge ask sigma and Moz they know
hillhopper said:
can you just leave the back part out and just leave the tabs so you can just glue full sheets of card stock ?

...hmm... (y) yah that might work.... but first Ill print it iut to see if it'll work.
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you can just keep dividing the piece. You can divide them into as small as pieces as you want. One more divide for the last two should do it. The first piece can just be rotated and it should fit.
how i solved it when buildng mine was just left that part for last in assembly then lined up the numbers so i new its on and taped all 4 pieces o paper it printed on togeteher
Erik said:
I can't divide it anymore. Do you all have the Paid version of Pep? I just got the free version. Maybe thats why?
Hmmm, I don't think that would be the problem.

I do have the paid version, but I could still divide as many times as I want.

hey, I thought if you had the free version, you couldn't export files.
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