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Hey 405th members :D
I wanted to create this thread to talk you about Halo in France, especially on armor building.

In France, Halo is famous only for the videogame. All goodies, like T-shirts or costumes are unknew by a lot of gamers. In the USA for example, if you walk in the street with the MC costume, people want to take photos with you (it remembers me Adam's vid on the speedway. I think it's him ^^). But in France, Mc is ... not as famous as the USA.
So it's very difficult to have a work recognition when people say you "very nice your robot suit!" ...

An other example: in the USA, you have a wonderful store named Wallmart. What a chance! If there was the same store here, I'll be the happiest man x)! You have all you need in only one store and not expensive ^^!

A last thing: Halo community. In france, we are less than your community. I'm in a team, but if I were single, I never play to my favourite videogame. It's very difficult to find an another french player, and when you find one, he's what we called in France, a "kikoo",. It's a kind of noob but very aggressive and not strong in the French language.

So, Americans, you're very lucky, and I'm jealous of your community and your wallmarts ^^
I hope, one day, the France will have the same spirit group like yours and french people will know better this fabulous videogame named Halo.
Dont worry it will come. Now go back doing armor...haha kidding take your time.

Make a lot of pub and go in the street with your armor.

Je pense que plus les gens, comme vous, répandre la parole de MC et de Halo, le plus reconnaissable, il sera. Gardez la foi et de marcher la tête haute dans "votre maillot de robot"! :)

I think that the more people, like you, spread the word of MC and Halo, the more recognisable it will be. Keep the faith and walk tall in "your robot suit"! :)

P.s. My french is not very good.
Ouais, sur le forum on doit être 3-4. Ah, viens faire un p'tit tour sur la Delta company si tu as le temps ;)
Yeah, on this forum we must be 3-4. Ah, one day, if you have the time, come on Delta Company ;)

Thanks for your support :D! You're right: I'm proud of my passion.
(You have a good french man ;) )
On est obligé de s'inscrir? Ca craint!
Do we have to subscrib? It sucks!

I haven't made an armor yet but I will... someday.
On est obligé de s'inscrir? Ca craint!
Do we have to subscrib? It sucks!
D'habitude, je vais à mon profil et de recherche à travers mes messages. J'ai vérifier les progrès de chaque post, comme je ne sais pas comment vous abonner à des postes. Il fonctionne pour moi.
Tous mes armes à l'an dernier a été détruit et il est m'a pris 3 semaines juste pour pep la première pièce. [quote insérer inspiration ici]

I usually go to my profile and search through my posts. I check progress on each post, as I do not know how to subscribe to posts. It works for me.All my armor from a year ago was destroyed and it is taken me 3 weeks just to pep the first peice. [insert inspirational quote here]

EDIT: Somehow I have subscribed to this thread...

Okay, seriously, if you guys keep speaking French, I'mma have to bust out the Latin. :p

But, yeah, Halo got more hype in America, and having Walmart sure doesn't hurt. Even still, I ended up getting most of my stuff at auto parts stores, except paper and glue.
Ici, en Canada, on peut acheter beaucoup de nos materiels a "Canadian Tire". "walmart" nest pas un bonne chose pour les petit magazins.

Pardon my french, its been a while.
Mon dieu ten de monde qui parle francais c si beau. Pour la Delta-Company vous etes supposer etre capable de voir le forum sans vous inscrire, mais je suis sur que vous aller cracker et vous inscrire quand meme haha.


Oh my god so much french talker, it so beautiful. For the Delta-Company you should be ok to see the website without subscription but I know you will crack and will want to join haha.

Yes, you can see the forum without subscribe. It's strange ^^
With the Comic Con and its equivalent "la Japan Expo", a famous French convention on the Japan culture, me and other members of the forum will make know to France the Halo saga :)
je parle francais un petit peut, mais pas beaucoup.

i think its awesome that there are members in france willing to help spread the word. and you are automatically subscribed to a post if you reply to it, and if you want to subscribe without replying you can click on the little menu button at the top of the first post called thread tools, and click on the subscribe to thread option at the bottom.

P.S. latin is a dead language, lets keep it that way. ;-P
Woah woah woah, score, I find that to be highly offensive and ignorant. Latin is not a dead language. It's the basis of the most-spoken languages in the world. English, Spanish, Italian, French, Romanian, even modern German are derived from Latin. Further, thousands, if not millions, still know how to speak the language. It may be a minority of the world's population, but then, would you call Javanese a dead language?

Si cogitam Latinus linguam mortum est, es bardus.

I'm never sure if I've conjugated and declined right, so please don't call me on it >.>
well, technically since latin is no one's first language and is not the official language of any nation it would be a "dead" language. and i meant no offense. i'm just jealous of anyone that has learned latin
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